“That is why you forgave me.”

“It is part of it.”

“What is the other part?”

“I realized you loved me too and breaking up with me tore your heart into pieces just like it did mine.”

“I’m not sure this is the best venue for this discussion,” Nataliya tried to interject.

But Konstantin was enthralled by the expression in his wife’s beautiful blue eyes. They were filled with understanding and yes, love.

“I do love you,” he told her, needing to give her the words.

“I told you they loved each other,” Mickey piped up, having come up with both his grandfathers in tow.

Everyone laughed except Emma and Konstantin.

He was too choked up to laugh or speak. She dropped her head against his chest. “I pictured you saying those words so many times, but maybe not in front of a bazillion people for the first time.”

“I am not ashamed of my feelings,” he assured her.

“That’s a given,” someone said, followed by more laughter.

“I think he should kiss her,” Mickey opined.

Konstantin thought his son’s idea was brilliant and proceeded to do just that.

Emma’s wedding night was everything she could have ever dreamed it would be and then some. Saying “I love you” turned out to be a huge erotic trigger for her husband and they got very little sleep and a surfeit of pleasure.

Because neither of them seemed capable of stopping saying it.

And that was all right.

Emma would rather drown in the sentiment than ever live another day without it.

Kon made it clear he felt the same. She didn’t think they were ever going to have a typical royal marriage, but they sure would have an adventurous one filled with love.