Mickey’s preschool graduation went off without a hitch. He absolutely glowed under all the compliments he got on his little suit and he told everyone it made him look like his dad.

When they arrived and everyone was getting settled before the ceremony began, Emma got teary eyed, watching her son take his place at the front of the banquet room.

She swiped at her eyes. “He’s growing up so fast.”

“Our little man,” Kon agreed, his voice ringing with pride.

Emma smiled up at her Prince through the tears. “He’s more excited about this than turning five.”

Kon reflected her smile, reaching down to squeeze Emma’s hand. “Naturally. That milestone is two months off. The immediate is always more exciting than something in the future.”

A rush of emotion washed over Emma, making her tears spill over.

“Are you all right, solnyshko?” Kon asked with concern.

Swallowing, trying to get control of her wayward emotions, Emma nodded.

“Then why these tears?”

“That you know they are different than only a moment ago is kind of scary,” she said on a hiccup.

“Good. Not scary.”

She smiled. Her arrogant prince, so sure he knew what was best for her, but in this case, maybe he was right.

Maybe his knowing her so well was good.

“I’ve never had anyone to share his milestones with,” she said in explanation. “I’m happy for Mickey.” She gulped back more emotion. “And for me too.”

“This is a very strange way to show happiness, krasavitsa.”

“I’m hardly beautiful right now, with my mascara running.” Her nose was probably pink too.

Kon handed her a handkerchief to mop herself up. “You are always beautiful to me, Emma.”

“Why don’t you say stuff like that to me?” a woman behind them asked her husband.

Emma recognized the voice as belonging to the mother of one of Mickey’s friends he’d had playdates with. A woman with a wry sense of humor, Emma wasn’t surprised she’d teased her husband that way.

“Because the last time I did you told me to get my eyes examined. Doesn’t mean I’m not thinking it,” her husband answered gamely.

Emma grinned at the exchange and shared a moment of rapport with Kon as humor shone in his eyes as well.

“I will always be there for the milestones, for both of you, from now on,” Kon promised her, all serious again.

Emma choked up again, so all she could do was nod.

“These tears of yours are killing me,” Kon told her.

She tried to blink them away. “I’m sorry.”

Kon groaned and then kissed her. Right there in the middle of all the chatting parents waiting for the ceremony to start.

“That’s my mom and dad,” Mickey yelled.

Laughter erupted and Kon pulled back, his expression holding none of the humor from before. “I vow it.”

Emma didn’t know how to respond to that, so she ducked her head and then looked toward their son, who was giving her a thumbs-up. If she didn’t watch out, Mickey would be planning their wedding before they ever got to Mirrus.