Emma tugged her hand away, tucking it with her other one safely in her lap. Touching from this man was not in the safety zone for her peace of mine. “I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.”

Konstantin frowned at her withdrawal.

But it was the lawyer who spoke next. “I realize now that it was a grave error on my part, but no, I did not confirm details or intentions with His Highness.”

Emma made no effort to hide her skepticism. “I find that incredibly hard to believe.”

“I am finding it difficult to credit I was so easily led myself, Ms. Sloane.”

“Carmichael,” Emma corrected him. “I had to change my name to get a job.”

The lawyer gulped. Konstantin’s jaw went rigid at the reminder.

“I apologize most sincerely for that, Ms. Carmichael.” Mr. Popov loosened his tie at his neck, looking uncomfortable. “His Highness has informed me that at no time did you stalk him and he would never have approved the restraining order.”

The man’s manner was stiff and the words sounded rehearsed.

Could he be believed?

“And yet you were able to get it in his name,” Emma pointed out reasonably.

Mr. Popov gave Konstantin another nervous glance. “Our legal team holds power of attorney to do a great deal on behalf of the royal family. This is to protect them and their time, you understand.”

“My brother and I have now agreed that all POAs held by our legal team will be reviewed and rewritten so that nothing of this sort could ever happen again.” Konstantin didn’t look nervous. He looked angry.

Really angry. And disgusted.

The lawyer winced.

She didn’t imagine the rest of the legal team was going to be happy to have their purview limited, but Emma thought the move was long overdue. No one should be allowed that much leeway with another person’s life, no matter how convenient it might be.

“How do I know you are telling me the truth?” Emma asked, genuinely wishing one of the men could have an answer for her. “What possible motive could Queen Tiana have had to instruct you to do such a thing, even going to the effort of making up supposed testimony for Konstantin?”

“As to that, I couldn’t speak to our deceased Queen’s motives.” And the lawyer’s tone implied Emma shouldn’t even be speculating.

Like just because Tiana had been a queen, that made her above having her actions questioned.

Emma wasn’t impressed. “Isn’t it more likely that Konstantin has convinced you to lie for him so I don’t think he’s such a rat?” she mused aloud.

Konstantin had to know that the less she trusted him, the stricter the restrictions around his visits with Mickey would have to be.

“Rat?” Mr. Popov asked faintly, his eyes wide.

“I would never stoop to instructing a retainer to lie for me.” Offense rang in every syllable of Konstantin’s denial.

“Wouldn’t you?”

“I have never lied to you, Emma, even when it would have been easier on us both if I had.” Konstantin took a breath, clearly collecting himself. “Do you have any further questions for Mr. Popov?”


“You are sure?” Konstantin asked, like he expected her to change her mind.

“I thought he was here to negotiate the visitation schedule,” she admitted. “He’s not?” she asked, just to make sure.

“That is something you and I will work out between ourselves.” Konstantin’s tone left no room for argument.

Emma didn’t actually want to discuss her private life with lawyers, but she had the urge to argue just because he was so sure of his own mind and hers.