Dima woke her with a kiss. “You need to get up,milaya moy. We are landing momentarily. If you want a shower, now is the time to take it.”

Feeling wonderfully rested, Jenna sat up. “I slept the whole trip?”

How could that be possible? Jenna never slept longer than nine hours, and that was only when she was full-on exhausted.

“You needed the rest.”

“I bet you didn’t sleep for twelve hours.” She could not imagine it.

“No, but I enjoyed a full night’s rest.”

Full night for him, maybe.

She grimaced. “I won’t sleep a wink tonight.”

“I will not mind.” The look he gave her said Dima had plans for their nighttime hours, and they didn’t include a lot of sleeping regardless.

She laughed and shook her head. “I would ask if you think of anything else, but I know you do. I really enjoyed our time on the yacht.”

“I did too, Jenna. You and I fit very well.”

“Yes, we do.”

His eyes widened in surprise, his body jerking in shock like her agreement had stunned him. Then he frowned. “Where real life does not intrude, you mean.”

“I didn’t say that.”

But he was standing. “We touch down in thirty minutes.” Then he left the bedroom.

What had just happened?

Jenna didn’t know, but she didn’t like feeling as if she was missing something elemental.

She did take a shower, though it was a quick one. She dressed appropriately for Abu Dhabi, her shoulders covered, and a casual scarf looped around her neck that could be used as a head covering if necessary.

Not that she thought they’d be going anywhere between the airport and the Merikov condo, but it was better to be prepared.

The royal condo was nothing like any condominium Jenna had ever seen. The seven-thousand-square-foot structure surrounded by palms and stone walls topped by decorative wrought-iron felt more like a stand-alone mansion than anything in a complex.

She said as much to Dima.

“We share a wall with two other smaller units used to house domestic and security staff.” He shed his jacket and tie, hanging both over one arm. “The complex has its own security as well, which makes using the gym, private golf course and the like less problematic for residents.”

It sounded like the perfect getaway spot for his royal family. “So what you are saying is that this very private complex offers additional security and amenities for the rich and famous.”

“Yes.” He frowned but seemed to shake off whatever was bothering him. “There is an Olympic-sized swimming pool that is fantastic for laps, but I prefer our private infinitely pool for relaxation.”

“And other things, I bet,” she teased, wanting the warm, bantering Dima from the evening before back.

This brooding alpha male was very sexy, but he made her feel sad, and she didn’t know why.

“I’ve never brought another woman here.” His tone implied he found the very thought obscene. “I don’t bring lovers to my family’s properties.”

“I’m the exception?” Because she was definitely his lover.

“Can you doubt it?”

She didn’t want to, especially now she had acknowledged the truth of her feelings for him, but she wasn’t about to get into that. “One thing I don’t doubt is that even if I’d gotten the deal of the century, I wouldn’t be staying in accommodations nearly as nice as this.”