‘No. I wanted to wait. I needed to know that you were willing to accept me as I am, flaws and all...because itcould’vebeen my kid. I’m very grateful that it’s not. It’s not how I would want to have my first child, but if it had been mine, I would have stood by her, and that would have been a major challenge because I don’t like her—’

Her brow furrowed. ‘You don’t like her?’

‘Not when she was behaving like a stalker. She was a little weird with me,’ he confided, his mouth tightening. ‘I was with her once and never again. Then she began constantly phoning, turning up places I went, showing up at the office uninvited. It was all too much.’

‘But you’re safe now from those kinds of mistakes,’ Cleo said with a wicked grin. ‘I won’t let you out of my sight very often. You are truly off the market now, Mr Stefanos.’

‘Is that supposed to be a threat?’ Ari husked, running his hands up below her top and levering it off her with the slick skill that only he could contrive. Her bra followed. He lifted his hands to cup her ripe curves and backed her towards the bedroom next door. ‘Right now, seeing more of you feels more like a very exciting promise.’

With thrilling impatience, he bent down and swept her up into his arms to carry her into the bedroom and lay her down on the wide, comfortable bed. Clothes were tossed aside and silence fell, broken only by little moans and mutters as they made love, satisfying the gnawing sense of insecurity that had attacked them both when they were apart. In the aftermath of all that excitement, Cleo lay in the circle of Ari’s arms, feeling gloriously content and safe at last.

‘I wanted my baby to be your first child. I suppose that was sort of childish and mean,’ she conceded ruefully.

‘I don’t think so. I wanted the same thing, but I also knew that, even if you stood by me, it would damage our relationship. How could a child with another woman do anything else when we were so newly married?’ Ari murmured grimly, his arms tightening their hold on her slight body. ‘We’ll go and pack your clothes and catch up with your mother. Since I assume you told her about the baby that isn’t mine, we’ll have to explain that it was simply a con. And when we get back to London tomorrow morning, I have a surprise for you...’

‘What sort of a surprise?’ Cleo prompted, twisting her head to look at him, loving those gorgeous tawny eyes of his.

‘Something unexpected. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s a positive or negative development,’ he framed mysteriously.

‘I don’t like mysteries.’

‘It won’t be a mystery for long.’ Ari ran a soothing hand down over her spine and grabbed her to kiss her again, and all thought of the surprise vanished under the sensual onslaught of his mouth on hers.

On the flight back to London the next day, he explained that her father had seen a picture of their wedding in a newspaper and had contacted him to ask if they could meet.

‘I told him that you were away and I suggested we meet for coffee,’ Ari explained. ‘You may think that was interfering of me, but I wanted tovethim for you lest he was only getting in touch because you had married a rich man.’

In shock, Cleo gazed back at him. ‘My father?’ she gasped. ‘Why would he get in touch?’

‘Because he would like the chance to get to know you. He parted from the woman he was originally with several years ago and tried to track you down then. He was unable to find you because of course your mother has moved on, married and changed her name. He is in regular contact with the son and daughter he has and he has now told them about you. He seems pleasant enough and genuine in his interest in you and a little nervous as to his reception with you,’ Ari told her levelly. ‘But it’s up to you what you choose to do.’

‘Do we look alike?’ Cleo demanded curiously.

‘You’re almost a doppelganger for your mother,’ he reminded her with amusement. ‘But you do definitely have your father’s big wide smile. Would it bother your mother if you had contact with him?’

‘No. He’s old history, as far as she’s concerned.’

Cleo smiled sunnily and looked at Ari. ‘I will see him. Our contact may not amount to anything more than a couple of meetings, but I would like the chance to get to know him. It’s a chance I never thought I’d have.’

‘As long as it doesn’t cause you distress,’ Ari commented, his protectiveness touching her heart. ‘You’ve got by without him all these years and I don’t want you upset.’

‘I’ve got you now...and hopefully Lucy some day soon,’ Cleo pointed out gently. ‘My world is a secure one. I’m very curious about my half-brother and sister as well. I would like the opportunity to meet them if...if I like him and, of course, if they want to meet me. Now that we’re all grown up, it doesn’t seem as controversial as it seemed when I was a teenager.’

‘It struck me the very first time we met that we had a lot in common.’ Ari curved her into his arms as the limo wafted them through the traffic on their homeward journey. ‘And it really is a challenge to keep my hands off you...’

‘Soromantic, Ari,’ she whispered cheekily.

‘I’ve organised a special dinner for your homecoming,’ he announced with a smile of pure one-upmanship. ‘And a gift.’

‘And you’re such a trier,’ Cleo pronounced with a helpless giggle and sheer joy bubbling up through her. ‘Always determined to take top billing...’


TWOYEARSAFTERthat conversation took place, Cleo was on the island of Spinos in Greece. It was summer and a bunch of young children were playing a noisy game on the grassy space in front of the terrace where Cleo was enjoying tea with her mother.

‘I love staying at the resort. Tell Ari thanks,’ Lisa said happily. ‘You know he won’t let me thank him for all the free luxury holidays we get here.’

‘We enjoy the company,’ Cleo responded lightly, and it was true. Her stepfamily were lively company for her own little family and she got to enjoy spending time with her mother at the same time.