And Gaby closed her eyes tight as he parted her legs because she had always wondered aboutthatpractice and she wasn’t going to let shyness and embarrassment come between her and the chance of enjoyment. He ran his tongue over her tender core and, from that first teasing caress, she was electrified, reduced to a quivering bundle of thrumming impatience and anticipation, so intense she could barely dwell on the pleasure because her body was screaming for the finishing line. And when it came in a flood of convulsive blistering pleasure she cried out in wonder because she had never felt anything that powerful before, and in the aftermath she felt boneless.

But Angel didn’t allow her to rest back and relax, he gathered her up again and ravished her swollen mouth with his own, his lean, powerful body hard and hungry against her as they strained together and she felt him glide between her legs, both smooth and something slightly colder and more abrasive brushing against her.Cold?A faint furrow of confusion indented her brow as his movements ensured he partially entered her wet channel and her every sense screamed with anticipation.

‘I should have a condom on,’ Angel breathed, and he abruptly withdrew from her again, pulling back from her to reach for protection.

It was only once he leant back to deftly don a contraceptive that she realised that he was pierced, and before she had even thought about it she was reaching out to brush a fingertip over one of the steel beads that had touched her. ‘I wondered; I didn’t realise—’

‘It’s called a Jacob’s Ladder. I had it done when I was eighteen and aching to be the coolest kid ever. It hurt like hell, and took for ever to heal, but women like it and some believe it adds to their pleasure,’ he imparted with wry amusement.

Gaby reddened, out of her depth and feeling it at that moment. Angel came back to her, dark golden eyes ablaze with hunger. ‘I don’t usually spend the whole night with a woman, but I think I’ll break that rule for you. Prepare to be ravaged within an inch of your life,’ he teased.

‘What will the ravaging consist of?’

‘As much down-and-dirty sex as we have the energy to enjoy,’ Angel asserted with a flashing smile of scorching confidence.

And she envied him. Oh, how she envied him in that instant for his sheer sexual confidence when she was striving to conceal her inexperience. She was terrified of him noticing that she was a virgin, terrified of doing something that gave that embarrassing little secret away. ‘It’s been a while for me,’ she remarked carefully.

‘How long?’

‘Months,’ she told him tightly without meeting his eyes. ‘I’ve had to move around a lot this year.’

Angel bent down to nibble at her full lower lip while he stroked her quivering body, firing up responses that had momentarily gone into abeyance. A spiralling heat warmed her lower body, desire sparking afresh, blurring her insecurities. ‘I imagine you’re very choosy,’ he murmured huskily. ‘I’m lucky to have made the cut.’

Gaby laughed. ‘I can’t take you being humble seriously.’

‘Enjoy it while it lasts,kardoulamou,’ Angel advised, shifting over her, and settling between her thighs before tipping her up and surging forward.

Gaby buried her face in his shoulder, drinking in the evocative scent of his skin, striving not to tense, not to give way to nerves, not to expose herself in any way. He entered her in one deep thrust and pain and pleasure warred together, her heart rate speeding up until it seemed to be thundering inside her chest. She unclenched her teeth, hoping that that single jolt of pain meant that the worst of her initiation was over. She felt stretched, invaded, alarmingly sensitive as he moved and a strong wave of powerful pleasure traversed her lower body, much more satisfying than she had expected. He plunged deeper still, and elation tugged at her, backed by a renewed need that clawed at her with the most wicked impatience.

Feverish excitement claimed her, and she arched up to him, writhing in pleasure as he moved faster and harder, her lips parting on a moan of mingled delight and surprise. Feeling freed from her physical self, she surrendered to the hot drowning pleasure pounding through her. Release came in a great wave of sensation and he loosed an uninhibited shout of satisfaction as he reached the same conclusion.

Gaby blinked back the strangest moisture flooding her eyes. It had beenthatgood that it had knocked her emotionally off balance, she told herself uneasily. Well, hadn’t she chosen well when she decided that she would go ahead and take a chance on him? But enough was enough. If he didn’t usually spend the whole night with a woman, she wasn’t going to be the woman who urged him to break his rules.

‘I should go back to my own room,’ she whispered shakily.

An offer that would usually have relieved Angel only made him tighten his hold on her. ‘I want you to stay. Let’s make the most of being together here.’

And Gaby thought about it and reckoned that it could probably seem a bit nervy on her part to flee the instant the deed had been done. She knew that what he was really saying was that she would never see him again, that their intimacy was a one-off event and not to be repeated. Well, she wasn’t naive enough to have expected any other denouement. From what she knew of his reputation, ‘one and done’, as she had once heard a guy quip, was Angel’s normal modus operandi.

‘Gabriella...’ he pressed in the silence.

‘I’m thinking about it. I think it would be better if I left now.’

‘Only if you take me with you for the rest of the night.’

Gaby laughed at that idea. ‘I only have a single bed and a little slot of a room. It wouldn’t be quite your style.’

‘Let’s stay where we’re comfortable, were spectacular,glykia mou. I can’t let you go yet.’

He hadn’t noticed that he was her first, Gaby savoured, relaxing a little on that thought. Not losing face with Angel was of paramount importance to her. He slid out of bed and strode into the adjoining bathroom. Light framed his tousled black hair and tall powerful back view and not a smidgeon of regret assailed her.

It was perfect, she told herself happily. There were no witnesses, no cameras, nobody at all to remark on their brief intimacy. It was casual and private. By the time morning came, she supposed it would get a little awkward, but her flight was mid-morning.

‘I can’t afford to sleep in,’ she warned him.

‘I won’t let you. I routinely wake up at dawn,’ Angel murmured, sliding into the bed beside her again and pulling her inexorably back to him.

Standing at the foot of the bed in the dawn light filtering through the curtains, Angel viewed the sleeping woman. Copper hair as vibrant as Gabriella was in spirit spilled across the pillow, a delicate flush on her cheeks, a peaceful curve to her intoxicating pink lips. The night had been unforgettable...but now it was over.