An officer escorted Joe from the back. “He’s all yours.” He gave Joe a playful shove.

Joe stumbled forward into his mother’s waiting arms. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, Ma. I’m okay.”

Five grown men surrounded him in a giant hug. My throat closed up. This family loved hard and they weren’t afraid to show it.

“It’s not like that at my family gatherings.” Zegas picked up his briefcase.

“Maybe one day.”

He pulled me to the side. “We can’t find Alex.”

Maybe he won’t come back.

No. I wanted him to face what he did. And I couldn’t stand the thought of him doing the same thing to another woman.

“Keep looking,” I finally said.

“If that’s what you want.”

“I think some time locked up was good for me,” Joe said. He looked tired and pale and thinner than when I’d last seen him. “That lady and her kid? Any more word on them? They okay?”

Zegas stepped forward. “They aren’t going to press charges. After the woman heard what you were going through, she said she understood. But she’d like you to go to counseling. I said you would.”

Joe nodded. “Yeah. I’ll go.” He hugged his mother. “I’m sorry, Ma. So so sorry.”

“When you have problems, you come to us, okay?”


“Then let’s get you home and get something to eat. You’re too thin.”

Groans echoed in the lobby.

“She never says that to you.” Mike elbowed Bobby, who smacked his brother in the back of the head.

“Let’s go, boys.”

They followed their mother and Joe out like the two of them were grand marshals in a parade.

Cal hung back.

We let Zegas wander ahead.

My husband looked tired too. Way too tired.

“You’re quiet.”

“I’m happy he’s free.”

“Me too.” I traced his mouth. “So what’s with the long face?”

“Just trying to figure out what the hell your father has against Joe.” His jaw was tight, posture rigid.

“What if we don’t find out?” I asked softly. “Are you okay with that?”

He blinked at me as he held open the door to the police station.