“How am I supposed to argue with that?” I bumped her back as we entered the park. “You’d really live near Ma?”

She nodded. “I’d love to. Our kids deserve to live near their grandma.”

I tripped. “Kids?”

“Since they’ll have you for a dad, I want lots of them.”

I swallowed hard. Was I ready for that? That was the thing about being older. I had enough wisdom to consider decisions like that carefully. When I was younger, I would’ve jumped in without really weighing the possible consequences.

But the image was already forming in my mind. A house like I’d grown up in with a bunch of boys driving us nuts.

Since they’ll have you for a dad . . .

How had I skipped over that? She thought I’d be a good dad. I wanted to be. But I wanted to be a good husband too.

Damn it.

A nearby flower cart was a not-so-gentle reminder from Pop. I hurried over, picked the brightest single flower they had, and held it out to her.

She blushed and smiled shyly. The flower made her happy. It was a simple nothing, yet it made her smile. No wonder Pop always did that for Ma.

“I forgot the flowers earlier,” I said.

“I’m glad you did. I like this one.” She buried her nose in the bloom and inhaled. “I might try to garden in our backyard.”

The picture became clearer. “You gonna do that in high heels?”

“If I feel like it,” she said haughtily.

I laughed. We were going to do this. We were going to build a life. It would be messy and chaotic, but perfect.

Beau froze, all the color draining from her face. I’d been so lost in my head, I hadn’t noticed the approaching figure.

Brutus went into a defensive posture, as did I.

“I can fix this drastic mistake you’ve made, my dear daughter. It’s going to take some doing, but it will be fixed.”

Chapter Thirty-One


“I’m notthe one who’s made mistakes.”

My voice wasn’t as strong as I’d wanted it to be. I shook with an anger infused with the frisson of fear that always came when I was near my father.

How dare he approach us after what he did? What he allowed.

He sighed. “It’s not the time to be willful.”

“It wasn’t the time for you to set me up to have my head slammed into a door either.” I motioned to my very clearly bruised forehead.

Maybe that interview had been good for me. It was time to practice what I preached. I’d had enough of him a long time ago.

Part of me was sad as I looked at him. I’d given him every chance to have a decent relationship. I hadn’t asked for daily chats or giggles and smiles. Just to be nice occasionally.

But that opportunity had passed.

He flinched. “I’ve seen to that.”