“We only have six chairs,” Pepper said as she moved to the table.

“Cal and Beau can share the ottoman and we can bring one of the barstools over. It will be a little high and low, but we’ll all fit.” Ma made taking care of people look easy.

I’m so damn lucky to have her.

Andhow the hell had she ended up here? I was glad to see her, but I hadn't put the pieces together yet.

I set the platter of chicken and pasta on the table, then pushed the ottoman over. Lincoln moved the barstool, while Teague set down two bowls of salad and a giant basket of bread.

I pulled Ma in for a hug. “Good surprise to see you here.”

She hugged me back then swatted me away. “Let me serve everyone.”

Once everybody had a mountain of food, and a few dogs beside them ready for any handouts, she grabbed Eric and Miss Adeline’s hands. “Cal, say grace, please.”

I took Beau’s and Lexie’s hands and cleared my throat before I said a quick blessing.

There was a moment of silence around the table, one that felt like gratitude for family. I didn’t immediately let go of Beau’s hand.

The bruise on her forehead peeked out from beneath her hair. If I focused on that, I’d trash the room, and now wasn’t the time.

“You okay?”

“How was your day?”

We spoke at the same time. She giggled, drawing the attention of everyone at the table.

“You two have the strangest dynamic,” Miss Adeline said. “Must be what makes you perfect together.”

“Better watch out,” Pepper said. She leaned her head on Miss Adeline’s shoulder. “The old woman has a way of knowing things.”

Miss Adeline swallowed a bite of chicken and pointed her fork at Ma. “I know that on the days Teague can’t cook, you’re coming over. Or we’ll come to you. As long as you don’t mind a bunch of dogs.”

The woman didn’t realize she’d just given Ma the best compliment in the world. Or maybe she did.

Ma beamed. “I’ll cook for you whenever you like. And I expect to see all of you at my table in the Bronx.”

“Mrs. Calhoun, thank you. This is delicious.”

Everyone looked at Lincoln, except Beau. She smiled to herself. I guessed she was proud of her brother for being so kind to my mother. I appreciated it too.

“It’s yummy, Mrs. C.”

Ma piled more food on Eric’s plate. His eyes went a little wide before he dug in.

“You don’t have to eat all of that,” I said before I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing.

“But you can if you want to, honey.” Ma patted his hand.

Copper put her head on my lap, her nose inching toward my plate. I glanced around and held a piece of chicken in my palm. She smacked happily . . . and loudly.

Pepper lifted a brow at me.

“You’re going to have to be quieter.” I rubbed Copper’s head.

She pawed my leg. Guessed it wasn’t pets she wanted. It was chicken.

I held another piece of chicken out to her and she gobbled it up.