And I’d made vows.

I was still her husband. Pop would kill me if I didn’t give it my all.

I pushed open the door to the apartment and stopped when the familiar scent of Ma’s lemon chicken hit my nose. There was a herd of women and Eric surrounding her in the kitchen, which was a complete disaster.

Copper bolted toward me, followed by her puppies, but all the other dogs stayed in the kitchen, waiting for stray food to fall to the floor.

I quickly shut the door so the puppies didn’t escape and knelt to greet them. “Hey, Mama. You and your babies are looking healthier.”

She circled between my legs before leaning against one. The puppies circled my feet, all balls of energy.

My gaze was drawn across the room where dark eyes were on me.

Beau had flour on her cheeks and shirt. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a mess. And there was something in her look that scared me.

I’d only been afraid a handful of times in my life. When I’d carried Pop out of that burning building was one, and last night was another.

But this was a different kind of fear.

One I wasn’t sure how to describe.

Something had changed in Beau. There was none of the hostility directed toward me anymore. I’d known what to do with her anger. It was easy to accept because I deserved it.

But this?

I didn’t know what she was going to do.

“There’s my baby boy,” Ma said as if it had been years.

Teague snickered, and I glared at him. It felt just like home, only we were at his place. How did this happen?

“Baby boy, huh?”

I elbowed him in the ribs. He doubled over, pretending to be in pain.

“Hi, Ma.” I kissed her cheek. “I’m starved.”

“Of course you are. You don’t eat enough.” She picked up a spoon and dipped it in the sauce. “Eric, honey, does this taste okay?”

He leaned forward and she fed it to him. His eyes lit. “That’s yummy. And we helped make it.”

“You certainly did.” She set the spoon down. “Does it have your stamp of approval for everyone else to eat?”


She turned off the stove. “Lincoln, Teague. Set the table please, boys.”

I bit my lip to keep from smiling. Ma was in her element, cooking and directing everyone around like we were her little chicks.

They both moved to the cabinets. Teague handed Lincoln a stack of plates. I took a few glasses and Teague was right behind me with another handful.

“I’m not sure we have enough forks.” Pepper worried her bottom lip between her teeth.

Ma patted her arm. “I brought some plastic ones just in case. And honey, I’ve probably lost more silverware than you’ve had in your life. That’s what six boys will do.” She pointed at me. “That one used to take my spoons and dig in the backyard.”

My face got hot.

“I was planting some flowers not too long ago and found three of my grandmother’s teaspoons,” Ma said, but there was only affection in her voice. “Eric, you sit between me and Miss Adeline. Cal, will you take this platter to the table?”