“I’m sorry.”

“I should’ve cut him out of my life a long time ago.” There was a sadness about her I wanted to take away.

“I meant for not protecting you. I promised you I would.” I squeezed my eyes shut. “I let you down.”

She was mine to keep safe.

I hadn’t meant to, but I’d broken the vows I’d made to her before God. And because of that, there was a massive bruise forming on her forehead. I might as well have done it myself.

“It’s not your fault.”

“The hell it isn’t,” I roared before taking a deep breath to gain some composure. “I let you walk into that trap and didn’t do a damn thing to stop you.” I’d driven her there. Didn’t that make me an accomplice?

The image of them on the floor. The fear on her face. The way her dress had been tangled up above her knees.

I couldn’t get air. My chest felt like it was caving in on itself.

She was my responsibility.

And I didn’t have the excuse of being blindsided.

I knew Alex was a threat.

I let everything else get in the way of taking care of it. If I hadn’t, he’d have never been in the shape to find her, let alone touch her again.

What if he’d raped her?

I bolted from the bed, pretty sure I was going to throw up.

I made it to the bathroom and braced my hands on both sides of the sink. The man in the mirror was a stranger.

Something in me had changed the second I burst into her bedroom.

I was an animal. Wild and feral.

Consumed with the desire for revenge.

I wouldn’t settle down until he was gone.

The savage in me had broken free and had an unsatiated need to rip two men to pieces.

And I wanted to hold Beau to shield her from any other threat.

But was I the real threat? I’d let her down.

I splashed water on my face, willing the nausea to go away.


She touched my arm. It soothed and ignited that savage.

“I don’t deserve to have you call me that.”

Her haunted eyes met mine in the mirror. She shimmied between me and the sink. So fearless and bold. I’d never be half the person she was.

“You do.” She slipped her arms around my waist.

I was supposed to be comforting her, yet here she was doing that for me.