He gripped the steering wheel. “Don’t call me that.”

“Everyone else does.”

He stopped at a light, his gaze intense when he looked at me. “And you’re not everyone else.”

We were back at that first time we met, when we’d said those words to each other. They were true then and they were true now. Except he wasn’t just anyone either. Something in me had recognized that before my brain had. Because he was Garrett. My Garrett.

“I’m not telling them we’re married.”

His jaw worked. “Your show. How are you gonna explain why I’m with you?”

I swallowed hard. “We’re . . . together?” Why was that so hard to get out? He was my husband. It didn’t get moretogetherthan that.

But he wasn’t mine.

And why hadn’t I told him I was talking to my brothers alone?

Because you want him there.

I did.

I wasn’t afraid to face my brothers. They loved me no matter how many mistakes I made. But Cal had seen me through these past difficult weeks. Maybe they didn’t need to know the extent, but he deserved credit.

And it would be nice to have someone behind me.

He was confident in everything he did. Even driving the truck, he was in command, always knew what to do. Was that what had always drawn me to him?

Often, I felt reckless. Like I was spiraling out of control. Like nothing was my decision.

When I was with Cal, I didn’t worry about anything . . . except getting hurt again.

“Why haven’t you moved on?” I asked quietly.

I thought I knew why I hadn’t. I didn’t want to go through the pain again. Not to mention, he still had pieces of my heart. But I was beginning to wonder if it was more than risking my feelings again. If it was because no one else was Cal.

“Moved on?” His brow furrowed.

“Why aren’t you married with a nagging wife and a brood of kids?” It hurt to say the words. To think about him with another life. But family meant everything to him. He thrived on it.

He stared straight ahead. “Who was I gonna move on to? There is no one better than you.”

Chapter Seven


I hadnothing to lose but her.

I was supposed to keep my distance. Supposed to pretend like I didn’t care so she could have the best in life. Live how she wanted to.

What I wanted wasn’t important.

She came first. Always had.

And she deserved a hell of a lot more than a man like me.

But she was mine for however long that might be.

Apparently, my head had forgotten I was supposed to hold back. Admitting there was no one better than Beau? Something in me wanted her to know I felt that way. That she was more than good enough for me. Too good for me. And I hated I’d ever made her feel anything less than that.