“You don’t understand—”

“You’re the bravest, strongest person I’ve ever met. And I know he terrifies you. Iunderstandthat he’s more than willing to give you away to a wife beater. Iunderstandthat ain’t normal.” I pointed to her phone, which was lit again with his name. “I think I’ve got a pretty firm grasp of what’s going on here.”

She drew in a long breath. When her eyes met mine, they were so haunted it sent a chill racing down my spine. “You have no idea.” She spoke so quietly, I wasn’t sure if she didn’t want me to hear or was afraid he would, wherever he was.

And then it was like she’d been jolted. She waved our server down and shoved cash in her palm before grabbing her phone and sliding out of the booth.

“Did you just pay for our wedding breakfast?” I asked as I trailed her out of the diner.

“Who cares,” she said over her shoulder.

I held open the door—barely, since she’d shoved it wide before I could get there.

“You don’t have to be a gentleman,” she said as I unlocked her side of the truck. That door, I did hold.

“My ma would kill me if I didn’t.” Damn. She was going to be heartbroken I’d gotten married without her being there. Without her knowing.

Beau furrowed her brow. “What’s wrong?”

“I just realized Ma’s going to be upset I got married without her.” She needed any kind of joy she could find. And she’d been after me to bring a nice girl home. She’d love Beau.

She touched my chest. “We could do it again, if you want. A family ceremony?”

“You’d marry me again?” I asked incredulously. The first time had seemed hard enough on her.

“We’re going to have to stay this way for . . . a while.” She looked at me almost apologetically.

I hated that.

I wasn’t sorry we were married. The longer she was my wife, the more used to it I became. Sorry wouldn’t even begin to cover what I’d feel when I had to let her go.

I nodded. Words lodged in my throat as I took her in. We’d been up all night, but she was still the most beautiful thing that had ever walked this earth.

And she was my wife.

That knowledge gave me little comfort, though part of me held on to it with an iron grip. It was temporary. She hadn’t married me because she couldn’t live without me. I was her only option. That stung. But I wouldn’t get mixed up in my feelings.

Beau needed my help.

I could do that.

All I’d ever done was make sure she had what was best for her.

“Where to? Lincoln’s to get your things?” I asked as I got into the driver’s seat.

“Take me to the office,” she said when I cranked the engine. “I have to go to my father’s, and I don’t want to put you in a more precarious position than I already have.”

I froze with my hand on the gear shift. “You aren’t going anywhere near him.”

She whipped her head toward me. “He’s forced me to stay there—”

“Define forced.”

“He sent his butler to Lincoln’s apartment to collect my belongings and escort me out.”

Anger started as a vigorous tingle beneath my skin. “And you didn’t want to go?” I asked carefully, just to make sure I heard right.
