“Can’t you just picture family barbecues?”

I rested my chin on her shoulder, easily able to see the vision she described. “Who’s going to cook?”

“Ma? Or Teague? Or maybe Winston. He makes this chocolate mousse that’s to die for.”

I hadn’t seen Beau this excited in a long time. It was contagious.

“I thought you gave up sweets.”

“Now that I’m a Calhoun, that’s impossible. I’ve put on ten pounds since our wedding.”

I kissed her neck. “And you’re still the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

She spun in my arms. “What do you think? Please tell me you feel it too.”

I couldn’t see anything but her. I kissed the corner of her mouth. Then her nose. Her forehead.

“Garrett.” She grabbed my hand. “Let me show you the bedroom again.”

I didn’t move. “Don’t need to see it again.”

She deflated. “You hate it. I know it looks like a lot of work—”

“Itisa lot of work.”

“But where else can we find a house with this much space this close to Ma?”

I lifted a shoulder and lowered it. It had taken three months of looking at every nearby house to find the right one, and this one was the best of the bunch. As my pop would have said, it had good bones. It was ugly as hell but only a block from Ma’s place. That had been Beau’s priority, and I loved her all the more for it. She had certainly softened under the mothering ways of my ma. “Pretty sure we can’t.”

“There are eight bedrooms. It’s perfect. One for us. Six for the kids. And one for Winston.”

I pulled her flush against me. “Six kids, huh?”

She nodded as if it were already decided. “Six girls.”

All the blood drained from my face. “Come again?”

She beamed. “Six.Girls.”

I could barely handle Beau. Six of her running around? I was doomed.

“You’re sure this is the one?”

She glared and smacked me in the chest. “When I know, I know.”

“When did you know about me?”

She groaned. “I’m still on the fence.”

I dug my fingers into her hip. “Then I’d better convince you.”

“A good start would be this house.” She flashed a smartypants smile.

“Let’s do it.”

She shrieked and threw her arms around me, peppering my face with kisses. “We’re going to be so happy here.”

“Already am, baby sister.”