A deafening crack splintered the air.

Samuel Hollingsworth disappeared into the bowels of the house as the roof beneath him gave way.

And then there was nothing beneath my feet.

Chapter Forty-One


“What was that?”

I raced toward the house as an awful noise pierced the air. Destruction. It was the sound of destruction.

Teague caught me by the waist. “You don’t know that he’s in there.”

I’d tried to call him no less than a hundred times. He hadn’t answered.

“I got somebody!”

A fireman rushed around the side of the house, cradling someone in his arms.


But I knew it wasn’t him. Cal was too muscular. Too tall.

We hurried to the stretcher as the fireman set Winston on it carefully. He was coated in black soot.

I clutched his hand. “Are you okay?’

“I’m fine.” He waved off.

“Did you see Cal?” I demanded.

“He’s the one who rescued me.” His voice was scratchy. “He went back inside for your father. I haven’t seen him since.”

“Yo!” Teague yelled. “Cal’s inside. We gotta find him.” He disappeared around a fire truck.

My knees went weak, but somehow I stayed upright. I couldn’t stand here and do nothing.

Before I could think, I ran around the back of the house. “Garrett!” My scream seemed to be absorbed by the smoke. “Garrett!”

The side of the house with the kitchen was charred beyond recognition. I kept running, ignoring the heat that radiated from the flames that danced like it was erasing the place room by room.

“Garrett! Can you hear me?” I yelled as loudly as I could.

Lincoln and someone in a fire suit were right behind me.

“It’s too dangerous back here,” Lincoln said.

“Garrett!” My voice was pleading as I tried to see past the smoke for any sign of him.


“Garrett!” I sprinted toward his voice.

“Beau. Get out of here. You’ll be hurt.”

I looked up. He was dangling from a sheet attached to an iron railing that looked ready to give way. Everything around him was gone and the fire was so close to him, there wasn’t much time.