“I don’t want to steal your thunder or ruin your moment, but . . .” She focused on Lincoln. “I need to borrow some overalls. We’re having a baby too.”

I gaped at my best friend. Then pulled her in for a hug.

“I’m going to be an aunt twice,” I said, dragging her over to Pepper for a massive three-person hug.

“I better get out of here before I end up pregnant.” Zegas shuddered.

“I don’t think you have to worry about that.” Cal smacked him on the shoulder.

I kissed Lexie’s cheek and then Pepper’s. And then Teague’s. And then Lincoln’s.

“Congratulations, Poppa,” I whispered to Lincoln.

He looked a little shell-shocked as he stared at Lexie.

“Maybe I should’ve mentioned this in private first.” She nibbled on her fingernails.

His chair scraped when he stood. In four strides he reached her.

“I just found out. Like a few minutes ago,” she said as she stared up at him.

He brushed her cheek with his thumb.

Then dropped to his knees in front of her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his cheek to her stomach.

I swayed into Cal, battling the emotion threatening to spill out.

“Looks like we have some catching up to do,” he said darkly in my ear.

A tingle shot through me at the promise.

“We’resofar behind.”

He pulled me closer. “Not for long.”

We were in the middle of a crisis, but our family was growing and happy and so full of love I couldn’t help but believe we’d beat back every demon.

Zegas’s phone rang.

It disrupted the moment but didn’t shatter the intensity.

He said a series uh-huhs and what-the-hells and ended the call with a fine.

Zegas twisted in his chair and lifted his eyes to the ceiling before they landed on Cal. “You’re suspect number one, which we knew was coming. How the hell they matched your handwriting to that note in a matter of hours is fascinating, but we need to get ahead of this. Let’s go to the police station.”

“No.” I stepped in front of Cal like a shield. “He didn’t do this. It’s not right for him to be questioned.”

“How about if he goes second?” Zegas suggested smartly. “They think you might be an accomplice. One of your fingerprints was on the note.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


“This is total malarkey.”

Beau unbuckled her seat belt when I pulled into a parking spot. We’d opted to drive ourselves—alone—to have a minute away from the chaos.

“Couldn’t agree more.”