A knot of apprehension formed in my stomach. Beau knew expensive places. But I wouldn’t fight her about money when it came to the wedding. Especially not if she wanted to treat my nieces.

“All right, girls. You can freak out the whole way to Grandma’s.” Bobby herded his daughters out of the auditorium.

“Garrett? Exactly how many nieces and nephews do you have?” She appeared a little afraid of what my answer might be.

“Thirty-seven,” I said with a straight face.

“You’re joking. Right?”

“I’m kidding. But I’m thinking we aren’t going to need many chairs at this wedding if everybody is going to stand at the altar.”

It would be chaos, but I didn’t care. I wanted to marry Beau again with a ceremony she deserved.

Her phone rang and she held it up. “It’s Lincoln.”

All the color drained from her face. Her arm fell limply to her side.

Her eyes were wide with fear when she looked at me.

“Alex Davenport washed up on the East River.” She swallowed hard. “He’s dead.”

Chapter Thirty-Six


Alex is dead.

“Somebody found him about an hour after your interview aired.” Lincoln folded his hands on the dining table.

We’d gone to Cal’s mother’s for the after-recital celebration dinner, but hadn’t stayed as long as we’d planned.

Lincoln and Teague felt it best we all stay secured in Teague’s apartment building. The press was going to go crazy, especially after what I’d said in the interview. I’d never mentioned Alex’s name, but it wasn’t hard to figure out, considering our recent wedding announcement.

“There was a note on the body.” Teague grimaced. “It said, ‘You’ll never touch her again.’”

“He did this.” I pushed out of my chair and stalked to the kitchen. “In retaliation for that interview.”

“I’m spending way too much time with you people.” Zegas zoomed into the apartment without knocking.

Whatdidhe have in that briefcase?

It was like another arm, always on him.

“No need to stick around if you don’t have useful information,” Lincoln said.

He pulled the chair out next to my brother and sat. “I’m full of useful information.”

“Like what?”

“All of you are on the list of suspects.”

I squeezed my water bottle so tightly it crumpled.

“Except your spouses or potential spouses,” he corrected before looking regretfully at me. “Not yours. Yours is definitely on the suspect list.”

Just the way my father wanted.

“I have to say, he’s pretty good at covering up crimes and I’ve worked with some masters.” Zegas slung his briefcase on the table. “Sure. I’d love some coffee. It’s going to be a long night.”