I looked at the line of children waiting their turn. “No. Maybe another time.”

We exited the exhibit and Aldo followed us to the edge of the enclosure.

“He wants to come with us.”

Garrett’s expression turned serious and he dropped to one knee.

I clutched my necklace.

“Marry me. Not because you have to but because you want to.”

My heart pounded in my chest. I stared down at the only man I’d ever loved. Kindness. Compassion. Generosity. Love. Loyalty.

All of it looked back up at me.

He dug in his pocket and pulled out a simple diamond ring. “It belonged to my grandmother.”

I hit my knees and cupped his face. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.”

His face lit like I’d just given him the best gift ever.

He slid the ring on my finger. “I love you. Always have. Always will.”

I looked down at the diamond. It sparkled in the sunlight. This ring had meant something to his family. And now I was part of that.

“Don’t try to leave me again,” I whispered.

“Didn’t you hear me last night? I don’t have it in me to do it a second time.” He brushed his lips across mine. “You thought we’d get a divorce when this was done. But I never had any intention of letting you go.”

I kissed him long and hard and fierce, with everything I had.

Garrett Calhoun was mine.

And for the first time in eleven years, I felt whole.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


“Olivia saidwe could park in the alley.”

“You aren’t healed. I can’t touch you.” I wanted to though. “And who’s Olivia?”

Beau rolled her eyes. “The owner of the hotel. I like this place. I talked to her about buying it.”

I shook the cobwebs out of my head. Would I ever get used to the fact that my wife could pretty much buy anything she wanted and not even notice a dent in her bank account?

I rolled past the hotel on West 56th. I wasn’t keen on it, not because the place wasn’t nice. But the last time I’d met Beau here, she’d been hurt.

Was that asshole really dead?

“Right there. Next to the cake van. That’s where she said to park.” Beau pointed at a hot pink van that nearly blinded me.

I wheeled in where she directed and turned off the truck. “Did your lawyer advise against you sleeping with me?”

Beau folded her hands in her lap and looked down at them. She tried to smile, but it was hollow. “I didn’t discuss our sex life with him.”

“You can tell me why we’re here or I can be surprised. But don’t ask me to do something I can’t.”