A broken jaw and arms wasn’t justice for what he’d done to her.

Calm down. For her.

Teague had insisted we stay with them. I’d been too blinded with anger to argue.

Next on my hit list is that bastard Samuel Hollingsworth.

I’d stood there like a chump while he’d acted like Beau was at fault.

I will kill him.

That thought should’ve scared me too. But I’d spend the rest of my life behind bars if it freed her from that monster.

Judging by the rage radiating off Lincoln and Teague earlier, I’d have accomplices.

I stroked her soft hair, and she snuggled closer to me.

He’d set the whole damn thing up.

He’d known we were coming. All of us.

And he’d unleashed that son of a bitch on her.


How could a father do that to his daughter?

How could he let a man he expected her to marry beat her?

How could he still be willing to hand her to him with his blessing?


“I need you to promise me something,” I said through my teeth. “And it’s a big one.”

She shifted so she could look at me. The ice pack fell to my chest. “What is it?”

“Never see him again. I know he’s your father. I know you work for him, but I’m begging you. Please don’t have anything to do with him.” I sounded desperate. Iwasdesperate. But I’d never rest if there was a possibility she’d be near him again.

I’d failed her. I wasn’t sure I had the right to ask anything of her, but this, I would get on my knees and plead.

He’d put that hollowness in her eyes.

She’d barely said a word since we’d left that house, only speaking when spoken to.

It wasn’t just the physical terror she’d been put through.

In some ways, her relationship with her father was like that of one with a sick parent. She’d been holding on to hope, praying he’d survive and he’d become the father she wanted.

But I hoped that this pulled the plug.

That whatever relationship they had was off life support.

It wasn’t fair to ask her to willingly give up the only parent she’d ever known, but I had to.

“I promise.”

The vow was spoken softly, but she was certain.