He dropped Alex on the floor.

I collapsed into his arms.


With Cal I was safe.

“I’m sorry, baby sister,” he murmured against the top of my head. “I’m so damn sorry.”

There was so much pain in his voice, I felt it to my core.

“What the hell happened?” Teague stood over Alex’s crumpled form as if ready to subdue him when he woke up.

I pressed my head into Cal’s chest in an attempt to dull the throbbing. “He was in here when I came to pack. He covered my mouth. I-I tried to scream.” All the adrenaline flowed out of me in a torrent. It was replaced by the overwhelming fear.

“You’ve brought a violent ogre into my home.”

I stiffened when Father appeared.

“I’ve phoned the authorities. You’ll be prosecuted to the fullest extent.” He narrowed his gaze on Cal, but I didn’t miss the gleam of triumph there.He set this up?

“You have got to be kidding me. Davenport attacked Beau. He was in her room,” Teague yelled.

Lincoln was wound so tight, he looked ready to attack. “You allowed this piece of scum into your daughter’s bedroom—”

“And that man attacked him,” my father growled, focusing again on Cal.

I held to him tighter. “If you do that, I’m prepared to press charges against him.” I flicked my eyes to Alex, hardly able to think his name, let alone speak it.

Father scowled. “We won’t sully our name with such minor indiscretions.”

The pain in my chest was worse than anything Alex had done to me physically. How did this man still have the ability to hurt me? Why did I give him the power?

I’d had my head slammed against a door in his home. And if Cal hadn’t been here . . . I couldn’t even think about how far it could’ve gone.

“You’re my father,” I whispered, though it was useless. I’d said that to him before and it hadn’t mattered.

Lincoln stepped into his face. “You will sign over Beau’s quarter of Hollingsworth Properties immediately. And while you’re at it, Teague’s too.”

Father snorted. “Why on earth would I do that?”

My brother looked as frightening as I’d ever seen him. “Because if you don’t, the entire world will know that you allowed your daughter to be beaten in your own home. And that you’re connected to your wife’s murder.”

Chapter Nineteen


I heldthe ice pack against her head.

Damn it.

I’d known better than to play by her father’s rules and ignore my instinct. Because of that, Beau had a bashed-in head.

We’d left that house hours ago, but I was still too wired to settle down. Still vibrating with rage like I’d never known.

I should’ve killed him.

And I should be concerned that the thought didn’t bother me. I wanted him dead.