He’d refinanced their house three times. I’d made more payments on it than I cared to admit because I wanted my brother to have the family he wanted, money be damned.

My gut twisted. “Yeah. I’ve got you.” Where the hell was I going to come up with the cash for bail?

“Thanks.” He was quiet a minute. “I’m sorry. I . . . I screwed up.”

“We’ll figure it out. Just don’t hurt Ma or yourself anymore.”

“My time is up. Will you come see me?”

I glanced at Beau surrounded by her family. Except we were family now. And I had people that needed me too.

“Yeah. I’ll come see you.”

I hung up the phone and stared at the wood paneled walls a minute. I rubbed my face, the weight of all of it catching up.

I didn’t know what time it was, but I had a twenty-four-hour shift starting tomorrow morning. There was so much to get done. And how was I going to watch Beau?

I couldn’t leave her on her own in case her father came after her. What was I gonna do? Tether her to me?

Damn it.

“Everything okay?”

I couldn’t get used to her kindness. I’d been the target of her anger for all these weeks. This was the tone reserved for others. And I wasn’t fool enough to believe some vows had erased the past.

But I’d take it.

I’d take her happy, mad, whatever.

She had enough to shoulder. I didn’t want to burden her any more than she already was. But I wasn’t going to have a marriage—real or fake—based on secrecy.

“Joe, my brother, he’s—“ I scrubbed my face again. “He’s, uh, he’s in jail.”

She thumped me in the chest. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“When exactly was I supposed to do that? We’ve kinda had a lot going on and you don’t particularly like talking to me all that much.”

She leaned against the mantel. “I’d rather talk about your problems than face mine.”

That I understood. Maybe I’d been doing the same thing.

“His wife cheated on him—”

“Christina?” she asked incredulously.

I lifted a brow, surprised she remembered them from so long ago. Especially since they’d never met.

“Yeah. Knocked up by his best friend too.”

Her lips parted. “They’ve been married forever.”

“I know.” I dumped my phone back in my pocket. “Joe’s had a real tough time with it.”

“Rightly so.” She snorted, sounding pissed off on my brother’s behalf.

“I’m pretty sure she burnt their house down, but they’ve pegged it on Joe.” I tapped my pocket. “That was him. He asked me to come see him.”

“What’s his lawyer say?”