“Except I think I’m close to pissing off that one for not coming over for dinner.” She pointed her head in Vivian’s direction.

“I don’t recommend doing that.” His gaze landed on the woman with a flash of tenderness before it roved to me. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“And I don’t believe you have any business being here,” Teague said, glaring.

“Garrett Calhoun. Call me Cal,” I extended a hand.

He grasped my hand and shook. “Daniel Elliott.”

“Chill out, Teague,” Beau said.

“I thought you hated him.”

“That’s our cue to leave you to it. If you need us, we’ll be in the kitchen,” Daniel said.

“Actually, I’ll be eavesdropping right outside,” Vivian corrected with a grin. “This sounds interesting.” She practically skipped from the room with her husband right behind.

I stared at the empty space near the doorway, feeling a bit blindsided. These people weren’t what I expected at all, though I hadn’t given much thought to what we’d face once here.

Lincoln hadn’t said a word since our arrival, but his sharp gaze assessed everything. He studied Beau and me. Somehow that was more unnerving than Teague’s blunt hostility. It was as if Lincoln had an invisible hold around my neck, squeezing with increasing pressure as he determined just how much I’d hurt Beau.

She marched over to where they stood without hesitation. There was no doubt who was truly in charge of this family. And it wasn’t the men.

That reminded me of my ma. She was the queen and her six sons were her subjects. Just like our pa had taught us.

“Our problems are so much bigger than my relationship status.” She pointed to the chairs in front of the desk and motioned for them to sit.

They did.

“I thought your relationship status was engaged,” Teague grumbled.

She gave me a knowing look. The status was married. And I loved that secret smile that played on her lips. She motioned for me to join her where she was propped against the desk.

I obeyed without thought.

“I want both of you to promise to keep your cool,” she said.

It was so easy to picture her leading her company just like this. She was in charge, leaving no room for doubt or fear.

“Seeing how this has started, I don’t think I can make that promise,” Teague said.

She bent and touched his knee. “Try. You’re the bravest out of the three of us. And we need your courage.”

If her words upset Lincoln, he didn’t show it. Although I wasn’t sure his expression would change if a leprechaun pranced into the room.

Somehow, her words seemed to smooth Teague’s temper.

“I’m not marrying Alex Davenport. I’m being forced to stay at Father’s against my will. And if I don’t keep in line, he’s threatened to do something to Lexie and Pepper.”

She ripped the Band-Aid off instead of tiptoeing around. Would she have been so direct if we’d been together all this time?

You didn’t mow the yard. Your forgot to pick up milk. And I want a kiss.

I pressed my lips together to keep from smiling. It was a completely inappropriate time to think about that, but yeah. Beau would’ve kept my ass in line like a drill sergeant. And I would’ve loved every second of it.

Lincoln white-knuckled the arms of the chair and then sprang to his feet as if he couldn’t control himself. He paced in the area behind the chairs. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?” The question was ripped from his throat in barely contained anger.

“I thought I could handle it.” She bumped my shoulder. “Cal pointed out I should come to you. That the three of us are stronger together.”