“One day, I’m going to be able to block your number.”

After a moment, Kane Zegas’s voice came through the speaker. “With the video surveillance Elliott provided and the confirmed time of death, all of you are officially off the suspect list.”

“What about the note and the fingerprints?” I demanded.

“Thanks for telling me I was on speakerphone, Hollingsworth,” he muttered. “Because of the altercation, it’s natural your fingerprints might be on him. As for the note, after further testing it was printed. So someone could’ve taken a sample of Cal’s handwriting and copied it.”

“And there’s no chance of anyone being prosecuted?” Teague asked.

“Not unless you’ve done something I don’t know about. If that’s the case, don’t tell me. Now I’m going to get some sleep.”

He hung up and another weight was lifted.

“I can’t believe he went so far as to copy my handwriting.” Cal scrubbed his jaw.

“But you’re not shocked about the murder?” I asked.

“I wanted to kill Davenport myself,” he said through his teeth.

I moved to his side. “Thank you for defending me.”

“I’d do anything for you.”

“I assure you that scum suffered greatly for his actions.”

We all stared at Winston.

“I assume we’ll keep that among friends too.”

“Did you . . .” I couldn’t outright ask if he’d killed Alex.

“Your father did.”

Like he said he would. Wow. I was stunned.

I swallowed hard. I’d never understand the man, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to.

“It’s weird that he’s gone,” I said where only Cal could hear.

“You’re free, baby sister.”

I’m free.

Chapter Forty-Four


“We might as well makea circle around the roof.”

Bobby looked skeptically at all the people standing on both sides of the altar. All my brothers and nieces and nephews were on my side. Beau’s friends from London were on hers. Miss Adeline was front and center, ready to officiate. Lexie and Pepper and Eric were to her right.

Ma and my sisters-in-law sat up front.

We’d kept it small and it was still crowded up here.

“How’s my bow tie?” I asked Eric.

He gave me a thumbs-up.