“I’m coming too.” Lincoln shrugged on his suit coat and followed us to the elevator.

We were quiet on the ride down and as we loaded in Teague’s truck.

I sat in the middle, always flanked by my brothers.

I should text Garrett.

I pulled out my phone and fired off a quick text.

My father’s house is on fire. Gone with Teague and Lincoln to check on Winston. See you at home. xo

I waited a minute for a response, but one never came.

“How bad is it?” I asked as Teague raced through the streets.

“Burke didn’t know yet.” He gripped the wheel.

Lincoln stared out the window.

I wasn’t sure what I felt.

In normal circumstances, it should’ve been fear and worry. I should’ve been hoping and praying everyone was okay and that we hadn’t lost too much of our beloved childhood home.

Instead, there was just a weird apprehension swirling inside me.

But I wasn’t alone. I felt it in my brothers too.

They had good memories there, ones I didn’t have. Was it harder on them because they could remember our mother?

A few blocks away from Father’s house, flames lit the night sky. Fire trucks and first responder vehicles blocked the street.

Teague rolled down the window at the perimeter the firemen had set up.

“Rivera? What are you doing here?” Teague asked. “We’re out of our jurisdiction.”

“They called in backup,” he hesitated. “You sure you want to go in?”

“I’m sure.”

Rivera stepped out of the way, and Teague maneuvered around his vehicle.

I covered my mouth when the house came fully into view. It was engulfed in flames. They shot from the top and the sides. Smoke was thick. Jets of water pelted the front, but the fire seemed to be winning.

Teague threw open the door and I scrambled out behind him.

He marched up to another fireman, one I didn’t recognize. “Did they find anybody?”

The man averted his gaze. “Not yet. No one has heard from Calhoun again either.”


My stomach plummeted.

“Cal?” I asked, panicked.

The man furrowed his brows. “Yeah.”

“Why would you expect to hear from Cal?” He was on his way home. Off duty.