I grinned.

“If we have a baby, we need a house.”

“It ain’t like we don’t have lots of options. Besides, it might be kind of fun to mess with our siblings. A crying baby. More dogs than we can count.”

“We’ll end up at your mother’s.”

“And she’ll love it.”

She put her forehead against my chest. “I never thought I’d have this.”

I hooked her chin and gently lifted. “Have what?”

“You. More family than just my brothers. Dogs. Maybe kids.”

It sounded simple, but those things made for a full life. One we could build on or be content with. We’d do it together, and that was what was important.

An acorn bounced behind Beau and rolled into her foot.

She looked down and flashed a wicked grin. “I’m so telling Lexie about this. Can you imagine these squirrels throwing acorns at Lincoln?”

“I wouldn’t mind seeing that show.”

She had that look like she’d just had an idea. “We could have a family picnic. All of us. Think your mom would cook?”

“Do we need air to breathe?”

She smacked me in the chest. “Will you start working out schedules?”

“Yeah. I’ll talk to everybody.” I lifted her wrist and checked her watch. “We’d better get a move on if we’re going to make it on time.”

“Is everywhere we go going to be a surprise? Or is this just a temporary thing?” she asked as we strolled out of the park. “Look out!”

She ducked and an acorn beaned me.

“Vicious,” I muttered. “My niece’s dance recital.”

Her eyes lit. “We’re going to a dance recital?”

“I can’t tell if you’re okay with that or not,” I said cautiously.

“I’m better than okay with it. What are we taking her?”

“Taking her?” My brows dipped.

She groaned. “We need to get her flowers or something.”


“I didn’t know.” I held both my hands up. “But Pop would have.”

“You’ll learn.”

“Uncle Cal!”

Nina flew at me where we were waiting in the lobby of the auditorium.

“Great job,” I said as I hugged her. Then I looked at Beau. Was that what I was supposed to say? The boys were easy. Awesome tackle. Great catch. Hell of a dunk.