That was what I felt. At myself. For not standing up to my father and selecting my own accountant. Doing what pleased him had nearly put me behind bars.

“Are the returns I have correct? Or the ones he submitted to the government?”

Whitley focused on inhaling my meal. “That’s where it gets a little hairy.” He took a swig of water. “He fudged the returns he submitted. According to our forensic accountant, the copies you have are the correct figures.”

“So I defrauded the government without knowing it.” I didn’t know why they were so excited about these developments. I could still end up in a cell.

“Technically, yes,” Whitley said.

“But we’ve presented the two sets of returns to the investigators and our source at the IRS. If you pay what you owe once they calculate it and are willing to testify, you’re free and clear.” Zegas grinned. “They’ll even set up a payment plan.”

“How exactly am I supposed to pay them when my assets are frozen?”

Whitley jerked his thumb at me. “He is smart.”

Obviously not that intelligent. I’d ignored my gut instinct in favor of pleasing my father. I’d put Lexie and Eric in a precarious situation.

“They’d be willing to unfreeze a bank account or two in relatively short order so you can pay them.”

Wasn’t that just fabulous?

“Funny how they can freeze those accounts like that.” Whitley snapped his fingers. “But it takes a long time for them to unfreeze them.”

Naturally. But at least it appeared there was some good news.

“What about my ability to purchase and sell property?” It was my livelihood. I didn’t know anything else. Other than the custom dog food business. I’d made the deliveries on my own today without incident.

“Well . . .” Zegas polished off his whiskey.

“That’s tangled up with this securities fraud mess,” Whitley finished.

Zegas glared at him for undoubtedly stealing his thunder.

“I didn’t commit securities fraud,” I said through my teeth.

Whitley tilted his head toward me. “You really do things by the book.” He spoke with a bit of wonder.

“Elliott has a guy at the bureau who can hopefully speed this along. It’s going to take some time for them to conduct their own audits, but the evidence in your favor is piling up.” Zegas flagged the server down. “Chocolate pie and another whiskey.”

“Make that two,” Whitley chimed in.

The server looked to me and I discreetly shook my head.

“The big problem now is the titles.” Zegas leaned back, draping his arm over the top of the booth.

“Andrew Dixon, the real estate attorney, is personally researching each property. That’s not quick work.”

And it was probably expensive. After the hit I took last night, I needed those accounts unfrozen sooner rather than later.

“It’s probably going to be tied up in court until kingdom come.” Zegas rolled his eyes. “The good news is you get to keep all of them until a judge says otherwise unless we can prove that the titles are clear.”

Dread filled me. I didn’t want to be in a years-long court battle. One way or another, I wanted it settled now.

“Dixon is still working on your apartment. The interesting thing is that guy you bought it from? The one who owed a bunch of money? Did you know he owed it to your father?” Whitley asked.

Would it be any other way? Everything in my life was twisted around my father.

“How is that a factor?”