“Because if you’re innocent, we can win.” Then he snorted. “Actually, if you’re not, I can make that happen too.”
Smug bastard. Though he’d earned the right to be. His reputation supported his statement.
“My freedom is the most important aspect to concentrate on. I’m aware there are many battlefronts, but don’t let the faulty title work become a distraction.”
Talking with Lexie had reminded me of that. I’d become so bogged down in the chaos of the situation, I’d lost sight of that.
If I were behind bars, everything else was irrelevant. What purpose did it serve to own all those properties if I wasn’t able to tend to them?
“I’m trying to keep you that way,” he said confidently. “And send over the records you have regarding the audits.” He groaned. “With all of your paperwork, I’m going to have to get a bigger office space just to store it.”
I started to remind him we had digital storage capabilities in this century to alleviate problems such as that, but decided to keep the snide comment to myself.
“Keep me out of prison.”
“That’s the plan.”
I hung up and tossed the phone on the nightstand. Lexie lay partially on my pillow, watching my every move.
“Can it help? she asked hopefully.
“Maybe.” I wasn’t as confident as I’d been before the conversation, but I had no doubt Zegas was already formulating a plan to use the information.
I climbed back in bed, careful not to disturb Muffy, who was peacefully sleeping.Thiswas what I wanted. This was what I had to lose.
I wasn’t ready to let go of it. I wouldn’t ever be.
I hesitated before I switched off the lights. My view was gone, but feeling Lexie beside me was as good as seeing her.
She was here.
She hadn’t run.
And I needed her to give me strength.
Because as soon as I closed my eyes, there wasn’t peace. Dark red was all I saw. Blood. A river of it. Flowing from my mother’s lifeless body.
Zegas and his damn questions.
The nightmare replayed in my mind. I’d been late. I’d done nothing but stand by and watch helplessly instead of screaming or following the gunman.
My eyes flew open.
How had I not realized it before?
I’d only seen the back of the shooter. He’d worn a long black trench coat with the hood over his head.
I could conjure up his form in a split second at any given time. He was ingrained in my memories and frustrated me because I’d never seen his face.
I scrambled for details as I desperately tried to go back to the scene. I’d always focused on the raised arm and gun gleaming in the afternoon sun.
The coat had given the illusion the arm was wider around than it seemed. That combined with my assumptions had led me to make a mistake.
I tried to see beyond that arm and back. In my head, I scanned down the body, trying to recollect details I’d missed.
The murder may have happened over thirty years ago, and I recognized that traumatic events had a way of altering the mind.
But I had no doubt, the murderer wasn’t what I’d thought for all this time. The height and lack of focus had thrown me off.