What? My mother could’ve had justice instead of just one of another in a long line of unsolved crimes.

“Who instructed him to do such a thing?”

“Your father.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


Unknown number.

I’d received three calls like that in the past hour. Every time my phone vibrated, I’d hoped it was Lincoln.

It was almost midnight.

Did these solicitors have no manners?

I sent the call straight to voicemail and rolled toward Lincoln’s side of the bed. Still empty.

Would he want me here when he came back?

Lincoln wasn’t one to speak casual words he didn’t mean. Maybe that was scarier than if he did. Because he’d wouldn’t have just spouted off all of those things for no reason.

And it was one of the things I respected about him. When he spoke, his words were worth listening to.

I burrowed down into the pillow.Could this be our new home?

I hadn’t let myself think about relationships much over the years. It was wasted time. But I had my assumptions, and one of them was that if we ever did reach the point of potentially moving in with someone, it would take years to take that step.

I’d never imagined it feeling so right so soon.

Was I making a mistake?

Eric was so attached to Lincoln already. And if something went wrong, he would be devastated.

Breaking up when everyone lived in separate places was less complicated. If I gave up our apartment, it would take some time to find another one. What if Lincoln booted us out immediately?

I had Eric to think about. We couldn’t live on the street. And crashing with my best friend wasn’t an option since she was currently living with my—what was Lincoln to me?

I wasn’t sure what an adequate word was.


He was just my Lincoln.

Muffy launched onto the bed, stepping on my thigh in the process. Lincoln appeared a few seconds after. He hesitated when he noticed me in his bed, but continued into his room.

He looked exhausted.

Muffy stood on the edge of the bed, wagging his tail. Lincoln brushed his head as he passed.

Silence descended. He didn’t speak as he moved through his bedtime routine.

Muffy lay across me, looking for a prime view into the closet where Lincoln had disappeared. I rubbed behind his ears as my nerves spiked.

I couldn’t decide if Lincoln’s silence was better than words. What if the words wereget outorgoodbyeorwhat are you still doing here?

Had I no confidence in the man? At worst, he might send me to another bedroom, but he’d never make me wake up Eric in the middle of the night to leave. He could be callous, but he wouldn’t be cruel.