“Richard.” Kate stood up and went over to him, placed a hand on his arm. “You want to protect us. I get that. But Joey needs more than just a change of address. Moving in with you, although tempting, isn’t the answer.”

His brows arched with her words. “You’re saying no?” “I’m saying,” oh hell, what was she saying. “I’m saying, when I decide to move in with a man, it will have to be a permanent move. Joey wouldn’t understand if something happened and we had to leave.” Oh, please let him understand without having to spell it out. The only way she could move in with Richard was to do so as his wife. They hadn’t known each other long enough for that.

Something in his eyes changed as understanding dawned on him. Instead of moving away, which was what Kate thought he’d do, he gathered her in his arms and pressed his lips to the top of her head.

His heart beat against his chest and flooded her ears with its rhythm. He smelled so good.

“It must be hard on you always needing to think about tomorrow. About the affect your actions will

have on your son.”

“Being a parent changes you and your priorities.”

“Nothing needs to happen today,” he said under his breath.

“Things will have to change soon, Richard.” He pulled away and watched her. “For Joey’s sake.”

“Yes. Joey and I will have to go back as soon as the man responsible for shooting me is behind bars.” Richards jaw clenched, but he didn’t disagree.

“That might take a while.”

Sensing his game, Kate shook her head. “I’ll need to consider different options if he isn’t caught soon. Joey’s stunt proves I have to do something.” Richard nodded, turned away. “We have a lead.

Max and I will be out the next three nights following up on it.”

“Why at night?”

“It seems to be when this man strikes,” he explained without meeting her eyes. “Janet could use your help while we’re away.” Something about the way he spoke spooked her.

“Do you think you’ll be able to find him?”

“We’ll find him.”

His certainty caused alarm to course in her veins. “How can you be so sure?”

“I… there are things about me you don’t know.”

“What things?”

He glanced her way, the chocolate depths of his eyes swirled. “Things I’ll tell you about after we catch the ass that’s following you.” Was he doing something illegal? She wanted to ask, but was too afraid of the answer. Instead, she murmured a simple okay and didn’t press.


“I’m not doing it!” Cutter tossed his empty beer can at the wall. “You’re taking too damn many risks for one broad.”

He turned in time to see L.J.’s fist before it hit.

Pain exploded between his eyes. Stars threatened to engulf his clouded brain. Before he could react, L.J.

grabbed his shirt and hit him again.

“I am tired of your bitching. Shut. The. Fuck.

Up.” With every word, his body slammed against the wall. Cutter thrust his hands out, pushing L.J.

away. He couldn’t win, he knew that from experience. Only a day away from the change and L.J. had the strength of three men. Provoking him was stupid, but Cutter had had enough of his shit. A sixth sense told him he wouldn’t be coming home after the next job.

He needed out, and he needed out now. “Get off of me,” he shouted.

“You done flapping your gums, chicken shit?”

“Yeah. I’m done.” And as soon as you turn your back, I’m outta here.

L.J. let go, pivoted on his heel, and paced the room. “I’ve got a plan.”

A dumb shit plan Cutter knew wouldn’t work.

“Right, tomorrow night we coax out the kid and catch the girl.”

“After the men get word of a heist, they’ll come after us. Leaving the women unprotected.”

“Don’t forget the butler.”

L.J. went to table full of opened pizza boxes, took his gun in his hands, and rubbed the barrel against his leg as he spoke. “I haven’t forgotten him.”

“No reason to kill the man, we could just knock him out.” Not that Cutter planned on being there when it all went down.

“Yeah, whatever.” L.J. sat back, opened another beer, and didn’t put it down until it was half empty.

Maybe if L.J. got drunk enough he’d pass out. “I could use something stronger.” Cutter went to the kitchen, poured two glasses of Jack, and brought the

bottle back in the room with him.

“That’s more like it.”

Cutter watched L.J. tip the glass back with a grin.

This would be easy. ****

The changes were already happening. It started days before when he twisted the cap off a bottle of coke and he broke the glass. Strength was one thing, but the pull of the full moon weighed on him like a tornado. His body knew the night of the full moon approached. Smell enhanced, sight sharpened, and every twig snapped by the soft feet of rabbits and squirrels sounded like firecrackers on the Fourth of July.

A thousand questions surfaced that he pushed to the back of his mind. Asking Max now, in the eleventh hour, was a sure fire way to be rousted for the rest of his adult life.

Still, he wondered if the transformation would be painful. Would he be able to communicate with his brother in wolf form? Would he howl at the moon and eat grass because he felt the need?

Then there was Kate. As much as he wanted to appease all her fears, he had too many of his own with the unknown on the horizon. He couldn’t come out and tell her about his new found change. Not until he knew what it was all about.

Devon called when Kate tucked Joey into bed after his night all alone. There was a lead, and the possibility of Kate’s attackers facing justice was high. As long as he and Max could track them in wolf form, Kate would be free to live her life.

A life he wanted to live with her.

Her unspoken words of commitment didn’t come as a surprise. In fact, the ease in which his mind went from living with him to marriage was more of shock.

She was right. Marriage was the only solution.

Thinking about it calmed his frazzled nerves. He couldn’t wait to put all the nonsense of the men that tracked her behind them so he could pop the question.

He loved her. All of her. She belonged with him, forever.

Within the hour, the first of many full moons would work its magic on him. He welcomed it.

He and Max would meet Devon at the gates after sunset. There, Devon would take them to where he believed the culprits hid.