“Maybe I should make you an appointment with my OBGYN.”

Kate shrugged. “Maybe I should let you. He was amazing… we were amazing.”

“I think it’s great. Richard needed someone like you in his life.” Janet reached over and patted Kate’s hand. “You’ve given him purpose.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“I hope it lasts.”

Janet’s pointed stare made her wonder if she should have voiced her fears aloud. “Don’t you think it will?”

“It doesn’t take a psychologist to know I have separation issues. I hope all of this emotion isn’t because of my current circumstances. That Richard isn’t simply playing the hero, and when all is said

and done he will ride off into the sunset… Alone.” Janet rolled her eyes. “Man, I thought I was the drama queen. Richard isn’t like that. Oh, I think all men like to play hero, but Richard has never taken helping others to this extreme. He isn’t the kind of guy who uses a woman’s emotional weakness for sex.

Especially a vulnerable woman.”

“I don’t think of myself as vulnerable. Is that how I appear?”

Janet’s wan smile said more than words. She did think of her as helpless.

“Okay, maybe I am… just a little. I don’t like being in such a powerless position.”

“I wouldn’t say you’re without power. More like temporary shut down. Max and Richard will find the guys responsible for the hold up.”

“Why does everyone keep saying guys? There was only one man and his dog.”

Janet’s lips rounded, her brows lifted. “Well, the police think there are two men involved. Maybe someone was driving a get away car.” Kate had a fleeting thought that Janet knew more than she was telling. Yet a driver made sense.

“I hope they find them soon, whoever they are.

I’d like for Joey to get back to school.” Janet smiled sipped her coffee and changed the subject.


“I say this is a stupid ass thing to be doing. Do you know who we are up against?” “Don’t be a chicken shit.” L.J. grabbed a handful of his French fries and popped them in his mouth.

“Can’t you find another chick to calm your urges? This one is too much trouble.”

“I’m getting mighty tired of listening to you bitch, Cutter.” If he didn’t put a lid on it, and soon, L.J. would need to remind him who was boss around here.

The abandoned house sat on about ten acres on

the backside of Acton, a good fifty miles from the scene of the crime. Here L.J. had room to stretch out with no one the wiser to the strange activity he and Cutter engaged in.

Under the house was a rare basement, complete with cages where he kept his new ‘family’ until they had made their first change.

Once the full moon turned them, L.J.’s carnal activities took away all their dignity and urge to return home. Hell, he was another Manson in the making. His women were set up all over the desert.

Not a night went by that he couldn’t get a piece of ass. They loved him. All of them.

His threats to Cutter were unfounded. He wouldn’t turn the bastard. No way did he want to share his gift with another man. He didn’t want the competition.

L.J. had enough on Cutter to keep him quiet.

One call to the police and Cutter would be the one behind bars. No one would believe his story about werewolves. Cutter would end up in a crazy house pissing on himself if he so much as uttered one word about men and women turning into wolves.

Best of all, Cutter knew it. That was why he stayed. Not to mention the fact that L.J. would hunt his sorry ass down and rip his throat out if he tried to run.

“Ritter is said to be an expert in his field. A damn vigilante against werewolves.”


“Don’t you think you’re barking up the wrong tree, man? You saw him going after that woman at the school. He’s likely to take it personally if you mess with her.”

Biting into his burger, L.J. chewed with the grace of a dog. “So?”

“You’re getting cocky. Cocky lands you in jail.” Sucking down the coke with a straw and wiping

his mouth with the back of his hand L.J. spit.

“That’s why we’re lying low for a while. Chicks don’t like being cooped up for long. She’ll be itching to get out within the week. First couple of times she does her confidence will grow, and that’s when we’ll nab her.”

“He’ll track her here. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he’s just like you.”

“Nawh, too much of a candy ass.” Still, L.J. held the thought that maybe Ritter was more than a suit wearing security guard.

He shook his head. Couldn’t be.


“When are you coming back to work?” Kate’s boss sounded a little more than ticked on the other end of the phone. The graveyard shift proved difficult to staff, and her absence didn’t go unnoticed. “The doctor told me not to lift as much as a feather for at least a month. Can’t you get someone to cover?” She couldn’t afford to lose her job.

“It’s very inconvenient,” was all he said.

Inconvenient is being shot, she wanted to yell at him. What a jerk. Kate held her tongue and counted to five.


Her hair rose on the back of her neck and her teeth ground together. “Tell me, Mason. Is it The Eatery’s policy to bully their employees to go against doctor’s orders after being injured while on duty?”


That put him back on his heels. “Perhaps I should have the officer on the case call you on my behalf. Better yet… a lawyer.”

“I’m sorry you feel that way.”

“I’m sorry you’re not more understanding. That man shot me, Mason. I could have been killed.” Silence met her as a reply. Did she push him too far? Would he fire her right then and there?

“We’ll see you when you’re better,” he finally said.

Kate let the air she had held in her lungs go.


She hung up without saying goodbye.

It had been one hell of a week. In so many ways, life was wonderful. Richard snuck into her bedroom every night, making love to her for hours. By morning, he snuck into his own room to keep Joey from seeing them together.

They took their quiet moments of heavy petting and deep kisses in hallways and dark corners. Smug smiles from Richard overwhelmed her with joy.