“A pleasure to meet you, Miss.” The butler’s British accent boomed. “And you, young man.” He winked at Joey who attempted to wink back but squinted his eyes instead.

“Will you take Kate and Joey’s bags to the guest rooms?”

“Of course, Miss.”

Richard watched Kate’s eyes widen and follow the man up the stairs. “You have a butler?” she questioned in little more than a whisper.

“Crazy, isn’t it?” Janet shook her head. “James is more like family. Wouldn’t you say, Richard?”

“Yeah, James worked for my father before he came here with Max.”

“Come along out back, Max was just finishing up our lunch. Are you hungry?”

“We just ate,” Richard and Kate said in unison.

“I could eat,” Joey announced.

“A kid after my own heart.” Janet put her hand out to him, and Joey slipped his in. They walked away chatting about the way they liked their hamburgers cooked.

Richard stopped Kate before she could follow.

His dark eyes searched hers.

“How are you holding up?”

Richard appeared to be watching her like an uncertain child on their first day at school. “My life is spinning out of control.” Her words expressed her frustration. “I don’t know you, I don’t know your family, yet here I am… At your mercy.”

“If there was another way…”

“Is there?”

He shook his head. “None that I can see. You and Joey will be safe here.”

“For how long, Richard?” Kate swallowed the knot in her throat. She didn’t want to cry again. She was tired of crying yet her eyes burned all the same.

He moved closer, caught her chin, and forced her eyes to his. “As long as it takes.”

“I don’t want to impose.”

“You’re not an imposition,” he assured her.

She could see the sincerity of his emotion. His caring eyes made her believe him. She didn’t

understand his motives. Why did he care what happened to them?

Richard stroked the pad of his thumb over her cheek, his lips parted as if he wanted to say something. He didn’t. Instead, his head dipped lower, his eyes questioned.

Oh, God. He’s going to kiss me, she thought.

Part of her wanted to back away, a very small part of her. The bigger part, however, wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on hers. Butterflies warmed her belly. Anticipation rushed through her veins. How long had it been since a man had kissed her? Forever.

She moved toward him only a fraction, but it was all the invitation he needed.

Richard’s lips proved warm and inviting, just like him. His arms circled her back, pulling her close. She trembled and opened her mouth to his questing tongue. He turned his head and deepened their kiss.

Kate ran her free hand up his chest, fingers spread. His heart beat as rapid as hers did, faster maybe.

Her worries forgotten, Kate leaned into him and gave herself up to his touch.

His hand stroked her side, his mild, sweet kiss turned into something more desperate, more passionate. Had she ever been kissed like this before? With such passion? A shiver of desire danced over her limbs.

Rising voices from the other room broke them apart. Kate sprang back, not wanting to explain to her son why she was in the arms of a virtual stranger. Hell, she didn’t know the answer to the question herself.

Kate glanced toward the sound, then back to him. A half smile covered his lips. Heat rushed to her cheeks in what she knew was a full-blown blush.

She felt sixteen all over again.

“Should I apologize?” he asked.

“Are you sorry?”

“No, I’m not.”

His confident smirk along with his honest words excited her with his admission. “Neither am I.” He stepped in, took her hand, and led her to the other room.


The Ritters acted as though they had known her and her son for years. Joey wasted no time jumping into the huge swimming pool. The waterslide kept him entertained for hours while the adults talked. Janet mixed Margaritas, but drank Iced Tea.

“How much longer?” Kate asked Janet, nodding toward her overgrown stomach.

“A few more weeks. If I can last that long.” Kate laughed. “The last month is the hardest. It seems it’s never going to end.”

“This baby is coming before next month one way or another.”

“What do you mean?”

Janet took a sip of her tea before continuing. “If nature doesn’t call, my doctor is going to induce labor.”

“Why, is something wrong?”

“Oh, no, nothing like that. We want to make sure Max is here for the birth.” Kate glanced over at Janet’s husband, deep in conversation with Richard by the grill. “Does he have a business trip planned?”

Janet’s head shot up and paused while staring at her. Kate wondered if she’d speak. “Kind of,” she said finally. Kate’s brows pitched in. Which was it?

Why did Janet suddenly seem nervous?

“Would you like another?” Janet started to get up and grabbed her glass.

“You don’t have to wait on me. You’re the one

who’s pregnant.”

“And you’re recovering from a gunshot wound,” Janet said.

“Good point.” Kate motioned toward the men.

Janet cleared her throat and raised her glass.

Kate followed suit.

Max and Richard exchanged smirks, then approached them to carry out their request.

After they walked away, the women burst out in laughter.

“So what’s with you and Richard?” Kate took a sip of liquid courage wondering if she had an answer to the question. The reality is she didn’t. “Your brother-in-law is a very kind man.”

“Kind?” Janet wasn’t convinced. “The looks he keeps sending you are anything but pure.” Heat rose to her cheeks. She noticed his eyes travel over her frame once or twice since they’d arrived. Janet was right, his mouth curved in a way that spelled out his desire. The craving he sparked with their kiss had her body burning for something she hadn’t had in a very, very long time. Sex and male companionship simply wasn’t something she had sought once Joey came into the picture.

As if he knew they talked about him, Richard turned and narrowed his eyes at them.

Kate immediately turned her attention to her son in the pool. He was having a fabulous time diving after water torpedoes in the shallow end.

When she turned back, Richard still watched. She felt her cheeks flame again. This was starting to get embarrassing.