“What’s the matter? Do you feel bad?”

She blew out a heavy breath through her nostrils. I stroked her head and she closed her eyes.

Sadie stuck her nose through the fenced wall that separated them and sniffed.

“You can’t have her dinner,” I said.

She sat down, more determined now that I’d scolded her. She pawed at the fence.

“No, Sadie.”

She kept right on and I wondered if she wanted to get to Ash.

“I can’t believe I’m falling for this,” I muttered as I stood.

I opened Sadie’s kennel and she trotted right into Ash's. Past the food. And she lay down beside her.

“Sure. Make me look bad for thinking the worst.” I sat again. “But you brought it on yourself.”

Her nose worked overtime, inching closer and closer to the bowl. She licked her lips and snuck a swipe at the food.

I moved it away before she reached it. “You already had yours.”

She rested her head on Ash's neck and it was so sweet I instantly forgave her.

I put a little of the gourmet food—there really was no other way to describe what Beau’s friend Lexie brought over every day—on my fingers. Ash sniffed when I held it up to her mouth but refused to eat it.

Wet tongue hit my fingers . . . but it was the wrong one. Sadie smacked on the food and put her head back down.

“You are something else.”

I tried to get Ash to drink. All I got was another heavy sigh.

I reached into my memories of the past several days and tried to remember when this started. The last time I recalled her eating was a couple days after the guys came to set up the new kennels.

When she was out of her kennel, she always went straight to the door and stared out the glass. Like she was looking for something.

Or someone.


Her ears perked up at his name. She glanced toward the front room hopefully. When he wasn’t there, she rolled over on her side.

Poor girl. She’d lost her owners and now she’d lost her friend.

“Miss Adeline,” I called.

She rolled her chair into the doorway. “She still won’t eat?”

“Get your black book out and your charm ready.”

She tilted her head. “Are you feeling okay?”

“If you pull this off, I’ll feel amazing.”

* * *

Ash trudgedbeside me as we walked to the park. I darted my gaze from one side of the street to another and tried to see in every parked car.