“Yo. Pepper.”

Too late to back out now.

“Hey, Logan.” I waved awkwardly.

He pulled me in for a giant bear hug. “Scavino. Walsh. Look who’s here.”

I was passed between them like a ping-pong ball in the tournament of hugs. When it was over, I stood there with flamed cheeks, insecure despite the warm welcome.

“How do the dogs like the kennels?” Walsh asked.

“They love them. Thank you,” I said quietly.

“Them things haven’t fallen down, right?” Brooklyn barreled into the group and I got another hug.

“Still standing.” I crossed my fingers and they all laughed.

“She ain’t here to see us.” Logan nudged my arm.

I blushed.

“Pepper?” Teague stood by the front of the fire engine. His expression was one of disbelief and I wasn’t sure what else.

It wasn’t the warm welcome I’d hoped for.

Logan gently pushed me toward him.

“Hi.” I shook my head. “I should’ve called or something before I came by.”

Teague ushered me into a corner as if he were hiding me. Or didn’t want to be seen with me.

“Woo Hoo!” The guys cheered.

Maybe Miss Adeline had passed on the mission to embarrass me to them.

“What are you doing here?” he asked sharply.

I stiffened. “I—I wanted to thank you.”

He folded his arms, his muscles bulging when he did. I shivered. How did he have on a T-shirt in this cold?

“There’s nothing to thank me for,” he said to the ground.

“I know it was you who arranged for the kennels. And the entertaining crew.” I motioned toward the guys, who were still gathered together. “All kinds of things arrive every day. They never did before we met you, so there’s only one option.”

He remained silent and refused to meet my gaze.

“The three dogs from the track in Jersey . . . they’re home from the vet. They’re going to be okay.” I’d picked them up yesterday. The road was going to be long, especially for Lucky. His leg was badly fractured, but Dr. Lyons promised he’d make a full recovery.

“That’s great news,” he said flatly.

“I—” I waffled between speaking my mind and tucking tail. Usually, I remained quiet. At some point, I had to learn to be brave. “I’m sorry your father put you in that position.”

He looked at me incredulously. “You’re sorry? He threatened you. He kicked Muffy.” He plowed a hand through his hair. “There aren’t enough apologies in the world to make up for what he did. And none of them should be coming from you.”

“How he treats you—”

“What about how he treated you?” he roared.