That woman. Life wouldn’t be nearly as entertaining without her. We gave each other a hard time like an old married couple, but I adored her.She rescued me.

“You met this guy?” Vivian shook the calendar at me as I scooped dog food into a bowl.


Bark. Bark. Bark.

She let out a low whistle I barely heard as I set Sadie’s dinner down in front of her. Her shrill barks turned into chomping. She’d been here the longest and thought she was in charge.

Bark. Bark. Bark.

“Oh, so you’ve taught Flash your ways?” I asked, but she didn’t even look up as she devoured her food.

Her neighbor continued to bark his head off, so I fixed his supper next. I’d tried early on to teach Sadie that barking like that made her be served last. It hadn’t mattered. So I’d figured out it was best to just feed her first.

Flash apparently picked up on it after being here only a few days.

Two down, nine more to go.

“Want me to find out what station he works at?” Miss Adeline hollered.

“You could help me feed the dogs,” I called back.

“How’d you meet him? Where is he taking you?”

I paused mid-scoop. “I met him outside, and he’s not taking me anywhere.”

“Talk louder so I can hear.”

“Turn your hearing aid up.”

Vivian snickered. “What happened?”

“Muffy peed on his tire.”

Her eyes went wide. “No.”


“He was marking his territory,” Miss Adeline chimed in as she rolled her chair into the doorway.

“Then he owns this whole block and half of Central Park.” The kibble tinkled against the metal bowls as I aggressively filled the rest.

“When did this happen?”

“Just before you got here,” I said, handing her a couple bowls to serve.

“Damn. I missed the good stuff.” She placed the bowls in front of the hungry dogs, who sucked up their dinner like vacuums. “Sorry I can’t take you for a walk,” she said to the dogs. “I came by to tell you the venue is set for the adoption event. Muriella found the perfect park and Daniel leased it. But if it rains, he has a warehouse space lined up.”

“Thanks.” I surveyed the kennels. Each and every one of these dogs was special. I loved them and would keep them as long as they needed our help. The event was important, and I appreciated Vivian recruiting her best friend and husband to help. But we’d never done anything like a mass adoption. I wasn’t sure I was ready for an empty rescue. “I hope people fall in love with them.”

“I still think we should have an event here too, but this will get some of these guys where they belong.”

“We’re at capacity.” It was shameful how these animals were treated once they’d served their purpose. Just because they couldn’t race anymore didn’t mean they should be discarded like trash.

“I know.” Vivian and her husband, Daniel, not only volunteered their time, but some months they were the reason we were able to keep going financially.

She kissed Miss Adeline on top of the head. “Behave.”