“I’m more sorry than you’ll ever know.”

Chapter Twenty


“Sir.You can’t go back there. Sir!”

I stormed past my father’s secretary toward his office. It had been sixteen years since I’d set foot in this building, but I remembered the way as if it had been sixteen minutes.

There’d been a time when I was a kid that I’d liked being here. A time when I was naïve and believed my father supported me no matter what path I chose to take in life.

No matter how hard the woman tugged on my sleeve, she couldn’t stop me. I was on the warpath.

I shrugged her off and charged forward. When I shoved the heavy door to his office, it was with such force, it bounced off the wall.

He smiled at my entrance.

“I’m sorry, sir. I tried to stop him,” the woman said breathlessly.

He flicked his wrist at her in ago awaymotion.

Lincoln and Beau sat in the chairs in front of his desk. There was one vacant seat in the middle. Like a prisoner resigned to my sentence, I sank into it.

The Manhattan skyline was behind my father, picture perfect from the floor-to-ceiling wall of windows. His empire.

“I don’t like using these tactics to get all of you together.” He leaned forward and folded his hands on the desk.


He lived for manipulation and power.

“Then don’t.” I blurted the words before I thought better of it. Arguing with him was useless. He always won. Always.

“I’ve allowed you to gallivant for too long.” He ignored my petulance and then speared his hawk-like gaze into my siblings. “You think I’m a fool who doesn’t realize you’ve taken the burden so your brother can do as he pleases.”

Beau and Lincoln were like statues on either side of me. Neither of them moved. I couldn’t even hear them breathe.

“Your place is in this company. It’s not a choice. Be grateful I’ll allow you to reap the benefits of what I’ve built despite your resistance.”

Whathe’dbuilt. My brother and sister got no credit for the sacrifice and dedication they’d given. Sure, they were beyond fine financially, but what good was money if all it brought was misery.

“If you’d been faithful, you’d have a place at the top alongside your siblings. But you’ll start in the mailroom and earn your way to the top.”

He’d lost his mind. That was the only explanation for his behavior. I wasn’t working for this company. Not now. Not ever.

“I already have a job, but thanks for the offer.”

“You’re suspended. One more and you’ll be fired.”

Ice cold raced up my spine. Why was I surprised he knew that? He floated in and out of my life as he pleased. Just when I’d get comfortable, he’d make an appearance. I was a fool to believe anything other than he knew every detail of my life.

What I’d never understood was why.

He hated me.

I planted my hands on the arms of the chair and pushed out of it. “As much fun as this family reunion has been, we’re done here.”
