“None. They’re all sweet and well-behaved.” There was a pause. “Well, one rascal found our bed and has decided it’s his.”

I winced. “They’re instinctive about the space they want.”

“He’s on Daniel’s side. Looks like my husband will need to find somewhere else to sleep.”

A growl rumbled through the phone and Vivian squeaked. “Fine. We’ll make room for you.” Her voice sounded as if she’d turned away from the phone.

“I’ll come walk them before bed.” It was almost time to get started on that.

“No. No. We’ve got it handled. By the time you get over here, we'll have it done.”

I tried to gauge if she meant that. If things were really going as well as she made out or if she was trying to placate me.

“I don’t—”

“Everyone is fine. Come by tomorrow if you want. Take a load off tonight.”

I drummed my fingers on the kitchen table. A bone-deep weariness set in. “If you’re sure . . .”

“I’m sure. Now stop worrying.”

We ended the call, and I dropped my phone on the table. Lightning lit up the sky and a roll of thunder cracked behind it.

“This is going to be fun.”

“I checked a while ago. Looks like the weather’s set in for the night.” Miss Adeline picked up my bowl and put it in the sink.

“You’re going to have to be quick.” I scratched behind Ash’s ears. She wagged her tail. “You ready?” That tail went faster. “Let me get my raincoat.”

The alleybehind the building didn’t have the safest vibe, but somehow the front seemed more dangerous. Exposed.

“C’mon, you two.”

Muffy and Sadie were having no part of doing their business fast. The frigid rain was coming down in sheets, yet they piddled down the alley like it was a perfect summer day.

Sadie looked back at me, illuminated by one of the lights on the building.

“We arenotgoing all the way to the park.”

I swore her expression waswanna bet?Not particularly. She’d win. Just like always.

She strolled forward, and Muffy seemed content to trot beside her. We reached the street, she looked both ways, then did her business.

Muffy sniffed and did the same.

“Thank you,” I said as I picked up the mess in a plastic bag. “Let’s get back inside.”

They moseyed back no matter how I coaxed. Rain pelted us, the surrounding buildings doing nothing to shield us from the fat drops.

I tossed the waste in the dumpster and dug in my pocket for the keys. Sadie stamped her feet by the door.

“Oh now you’re impatient to get in?”


“I’m hurrying,” I said as I fumbled through the keys.

Woof. Woof.