I slid to the floor. Muffy crawled into my lap and Ash edged closer so she was against my leg.

“To the funeral of the fireman who was hurt in the fire where Teague found Ash.” I rubbed Muffy’s belly. “I mean, I didn’t go to the service. Just to the graveside. To check on him.” The words tumbled out in a torrent. “Is that weird?”

“No,” Miss Adeline said carefully. “What made you decide to do that?”

“Teague seemed pretty shaken up about it. I wanted to be there for him.” My answer was automatic and quick. I hadn’t thought much about what I was doing at the time. I simply acted on instinct. And it had been easy enough to find the place and time of the services from the write-up in the newspaper.

Although I hadn’t necessarily meant for him to see me, I was glad he had. So he’d know I supported him.

Bark. Bark. Bark.

I checked the clock on the wall. “Already that time, Sadie?” How was it already time for their supper? “I just sat down,” I complained as I patted her on the head.

She ducked and kept right on barking.

Ash joined in for a couple of barks.

We looked at her in surprise.

“Not you too?” I tickled her foot.

“That one is teaching them bad habits.” Miss Adeline shook her finger at Sadie before she stood.

I eased Muffy off my lap and got to my feet. That dog had us all trained.

My phone chimed with a text.

A video appeared on the screen from Vivian. When she’d said they had lots of help, she must’ve meant it. There were five men walking our dogs down the sidewalk. Two of them I recognized as Daniel and Stone.

Miss Adeline looked over my shoulder and whistled. “If that wouldn’t convince people to adopt a dog, I don’t know what would.”

She was right. The men were beyond good looking. “What about some of your calendar boys?”

She tapped me on the head. “You’re a genius.”

Another text came in. This time it was a video of five women walking dogs. Again, I knew Vivian and Muriella but not the others.

“That one would work too.”

A second later my phone rang and I swiped to answer.

“See? Told you we have it handled.” Vivian’s breathless voice sounded in my ear.

“We definitely see.” I pushed my spoon around in my empty bowl. “Thanks for sending the videos.”

It was a relief to know they seemed to be getting on okay. And I was glad they had help . . . a lot of it. Even though Miss Adeline and I were pros at taking care of a large number of dogs, it was hard. For people who weren’t used to it, it could be overwhelming.

Looked like I’d been worried for no reason.

“Thought you’d like that. I sent the one of the boys for Miss Adeline.”

I snorted. “She approved.”

“Oh I definitely approve,” she chimed in.

“Everyone is fed, walked, and either sleeping or playing with toys.” One squeaked to emphasize her point.

“No trouble?”