“Don’t think so,” he said, a little in awe.

Sadie’s voice, on the other hand, was not hoarse. She continued to bark her demands in rapid succession.

Oh my word.

I’d just had the best kiss of my life, probably of anyone’s life, to the sound of barking dogs. At least they couldn’t tell Miss Adeline.

“I’d better . . .” I motioned in her direction.

Teague didn’t immediately drop his hand. “We’re doing that again.”

“If you like the barking as mood music, I’d suggest six in the morning or six at night.”Pepper. Was I flirting? Again?

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He smirked. “Um, Pepper? You’ve still got a hand in my hair.”

“Oh.” I dropped it like I realized I’d had my fingers on a burning stove.

“Mind if she tags along upstairs?” He scruffed Ash’s head.

“Nope.” I gripped the straps of my overalls and rocked back on my heels.

Why did I feel so awkward now? And why had he kissed me when I had morning breath . . .

I stared after him when they took off.

Miss Adeline appeared in the empty doorway and whistled. “My stars.” She fanned her face as she used a fake southern drawl.

“Hush.” I looked anywhere but at her for something to do but couldn’t remember what was going on before the kiss.

I tossed Sadie a treat, which she happily smacked.

“Did you think I’d mind if you wanted to have a sleepover?” The woman could not be deterred. “You didn’t have to sleep down here.”

“It wasn’t planned,” I snipped before I let out a long sigh. “We have a big day ahead.”

She squeezed my shoulders. “It’ll all be fine. Always is.”

I wished I had an ounce of her optimism. The glow of the kiss was gone, replaced by worry for the animals we were responsible for.

“And I mean that on all fronts,” she said before I could respond.

“I don’t want to talk about him.” My exasperation seeped through my words.

“You’re the one who just brought him up.”

She won. Every. Single. Time.

The bell above the front door jingled. I tensed.

“We really need to keep that locked,” I muttered. Unexpected visitors were not on my list of favorites at the moment. Except the Elliotts and Jacobses.

And Teague.

“Heyyy! Anybody home?”

I relaxed as another acceptable unexpected visitor appeared.

“Hey, Beau.” I waved her into the back room. “What brings you by?”