I bent my head and found her lips with mine before I could overthink it. She blinked at me in surprise but didn’t push me away.

Her mouth was soft, yet when she finally kissed me back, it was strong. She wove her fingers through my hair and held me in place. I cradled her face. That perfect pale skin was smooth underneath my touch.

I’d hugged her, held her, but this was a mistake.

Because I only wanted to explore her.

She nudged her tongue between my lips and whimpered when mine dueled with hers. Something in me came to life I hadn’t known was dead. She’d intrigued me from the moment we met, but now that I’d tasted her?

I’m in trouble.

And I kissed her harder. Deeper. Longer.

Sadie’s barks were the background to the most intimate moment of my life. And it was a chaotic perfection.

Chapter Thirty-Six


Are we kissing?

Of course you are, crazy.

Why are you even thinking this?

Why are you thinking at all?

Just kiss him.

I couldn’t close my eyes. I needed to see this. Be sure it was real.


His mouth on mine felt . . . I couldn’t describe it.

His hair in my fingers felt . . . like it was meant to be there.

His hands on my face felt . . . like I never wanted him to move them.

This wasn’t like the last sloppy college kiss I’d had. It had something behind it I didn’t understand. The feeling was foreign, yet not unpleasant.

Who was I? Some stuffy prude?Unpleasant?

It was spectacular—stars and moon aligning and all the fireworks stuff of fairy tales. And I didn’t believe in fairy tales.

I could barely breathe.

My mind whirled.

And I felt everything.

This was the kiss of a man who knew exactly what he wanted. And if I’d been unclear before about what I desired, it had become abundantly clear.

I wanted him.

My knees went weak at the realization. I pulled back but was still fully in his grasp.

“Is that normal?” My voice was hoarse, as dazed sounding as I felt.