She fiddled with the corduroy fabric on the leg of her overalls. I hated the heavy burden she seemed to carry and that I’d done anything to add to that weight.

“I heard about what happened.” The apology was in my voice, but there weren’t enough sorrys in the world to adequately convey just how much I was.

She snapped her head up. “Did Miss Adeline call you?”

“No.” Part of me wondered if I was honest if I’d lose my source of information. “I’ve known Daniel a long time.”

She narrowed her eyes as if staring at me would give her all the answers she was looking for. Pieces seemed to click into place. “Do you happen to know anything about why they showed up out of the blue?” She put air quotes around out of the blue.

“Were they helpful?” I was a little afraid if I answered yes what she might do . . . like kill me with her death glare.

“Did you ask them to keep the dogs?” Her words were hesitant, like she wasn’t sure if she wanted to know the truth.

“No.” If I’d have known the situation, I would’ve . . . or I’d have figured something else out.

She nodded, seemingly satisfied. “It’s like they showed up at just the right moment.”

I couldn’t take total responsibility for that, but at least through them, I’d been there for her.

“It’s okay to ask for help.”

“I know that,” she snapped, then sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m cranky to have to shuffle the dogs when they’re finally getting settled.”

I slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. She leaned her head against mine. Ash rested in my lap.

A quiet contentment surrounded us despite all the chaos. It was a moment of peace . . . of hope that everything would be okay.

“I’m so scared.” Her wretched whisper nearly broke me. “I can’t lose them.”

Ash licked Pepper’s hand in support.

“You won’t.”

How could I say that with confidence?I had no idea what would happen. I’d do everything in my power to make sure she didn’t, but what my father ordained always happened.

And I was a terrible person for letting my negativity steal the hope I should’ve projected.

“I trust Daniel and Vivian, butIshould be the one looking after the dogs. We’re already spread so thin. How am I going to do that when they’re in two places?”

I closed my eyes, hating how torn apart she was. What was there to say? How could I make this right for her?

“They’ll be in a penthouse for goodness sake, but I’m still worried.” And that worry was carved into every single syllable she spoke. “They’re my family.”

Something in me snapped. Anger like I’d never known sliced through me in vicious streaks. She shouldn’t have to be scared. She didn’t deserve this fresh hell.

I wrapped my other arm around her and pulled her close. It was awkward. And I squeezed the life out of her. But I needed to comfort her.

“I’ve known Daniel and now Vivian for quite some time. And if there is one thing they do exceptionally well, it’s rally around those they care for. And they don’t do anything halfway. So, just know that they will be the ones bending over backwards to help you. They won’t think of this as a burden. That's just the people they are. And I’m thinking that it will be okay if you let down your incredible work ethic for a moment and take the reprieve they’re giving you.” Just like I’m taking this moment as a reprieve from my screwed-up life.

“I’ll try,” she whispered. “I’ll try.”

After a minute, she relaxed against my chest. I kissed the top of her head. She slid her arms around my waist and held me as tight as I was holding her.

Eventually her labored breathing turned even. Her hold on me loosened as a soft snore escaped her. Ash looked up at me. Some sort of unspoken understanding passed between us. She wanted me to stay.

I nodded, and she too closed her eyes. As I looked around the space, I tried to remain still. Everyone was asleep.

I had no idea if anyone had been walked . . . or if I should risk waking Pepper by attempting to take everyone out.