Sadie cocked her head as if she wanted to hear the answer too.

“I’m charming. Not flirty.” She placed a hand on her hip . . . and kept staring.

Now I could see they all had some sort of FDNY shirt on. “Are you sure you didn’t know they were coming?”

There was more accusation in my tone than question.

She held up both her hands. “No clue. I swear.”

The woman was the picture of innocence. But I knew when she fibbed. The corner of her mouth moved when she did. It was still.

“I have a pretty good idea who did though.” She tickled my side and I yelped.

All the firemen glanced in our direction but continued working.

She put an arm around my waist. “He’ll be back.”

I wasn’t entirely sure of that, and the thought unsettled me. In a few short days, I’d grown used to him popping up just when I needed him most. I should’ve been stronger than that.

“It doesn’t matter,” I said. Did it? Was I lying to myself?

“If you say so.”

“Pizza’s here.”

The bell jangled when Miss Adeline barged through carrying three large boxes from Dino’s.

I moved the tools and papers sitting on the desk to clear out a space. The guys dropped what they were doing, and I showed them to the sink where they could wash their hands.

They waded through the dogs, who were all out of their kennels, and were good-natured about the jumps, barks, and licks they endured. Brooklyn even threw a couple of balls on his way, which were hastily retrieved.

“You’ve started something you might not have meant to,” I said when Millie happily trotted back to him, ball in mouth.

A tug of war ensued. Brooklyn eventually wrestled the ball away from her and tossed it again.

“They’re really great,” he said as he washed his hands.

I appreciated those words so very much. “They are.”

“I’ll throw it again after I eat,” he said when Millie returned with the ball.

Miss Adeline had the spread arranged on the desk. No one bothered with a plate. We all dove in and I found myself wishing Teague and Beau were with us.

I enjoyed having them around yesterday. The dogs liked it too. They liked having the firemen here. Maybe we should try to get more volunteers to give them one-on-one time.

“Tell us about Teague.”

I nearly choked on my pizza at Miss Adeline’s question.

“Does he date much?”

“I thought you liked me?” Brooklyn sounded affronted.

She tilted her head toward me. He nodded in anI gotchakind of way.

It appeared to be her life’s mission to embarrass the heck out of me.

“I don’t remember him seeing anyone since I’ve known him. We went through training together.” Logan ripped off a bite of pizza.