Meet me at the back door.

Chapter Forty-Three


Where are her clothes?

A gaggle of dogs greeted me as I slipped through the open door.

“Heyyy.” I gave each of them some attention but not because I was a saint who loved dogs. Ididlove dogs.

But if I didn’t do something to distract myself from that camisole and those short shorts, I’d be in trouble.

She folded her arms and rubbed them.

Mission failed.

All I saw was smooth skin just begging for me to explore.

“You cold?” I straightened, focusing on her face.

Her hair is down.

I couldn’t remember ever seeing her without a bun or lopsided ponytail or braids. Her dark locks looked temptingly soft.

The woman was going to completely unravel me.

Except I didn’t think she was trying at all.

“I’m fine.” Goose bumps rose on her bare legs. Down my gaze went. Her overalls usually hid the shape. I had no idea how slender and toned they’d be. “Everything okay? Miss Adeline said there was a big fire.”

All at once, it felt like I was back outside in the cold rain.

“Yeah.” That wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t the truth either. The fire was contained, but everything most definitely wasn’t okay.

“You changed.”

She ran her eyes down my body, taking in my sweater and jeans, and heat simmered in them.

“I grabbed a shower after and . . .”Wanted to see you.But I couldn’t say that. “Did I wake you?”

“No,” she said sleepily. “Want to come up?”

She held out her hand.

More than anything.After I left the fire, all I could think of was getting back to her.

I stared at it a moment before twining my fingers with her warm ones.

The dogs led us up the stairs and straight to her bedroom. Most of them pounced on the bed and claimed their space.

If the plan was for all of us to fit in that queen-sized bed, I didn’t think it was going to work.

“I don’t have any pajamas your size.” Pepper stood on the edge of the bed with the comforter fisted.

“Good thing I don’t wear any.”

She swallowed hard. “Oh.”