But my feelings for Teague were all tangled up and they undermined my ability to read him.

“Honey, it doesn’t hurt to have a friend.”

Is that what he was? A friend?

She winked, and I groaned. She meantthatkind of “friend.”

“I’ve never spent the night with anyone,” I blurted.

“You looked peaceful. More so than normal when you sleep with the dogs.”

I nearly hit a parked car. “You’re spying on me?”

She grabbed the door to steady herself. “Checking. Not spying.” She pulled on her seatbelt as if to be sure it was secure. “Are you ever going to tell him why you like sleeping with them?”

Dang it. Was she trying to make me wreck?

“I’m not sure that’s any of his business.”

She made a hmph noise. “When it is, think about how you’d feel if he kept that from you.”

“Well. They seem okay.”

Vivian worried her hands as we looked at the pile of dogs asleep in her living room. They seemed better than okay. Better than I was.

“All the excitement wore them out.”

We’d walked them in the park across the street. They’d played with the mountain of toys the Elliotts and Jacobses had bought them. Then they crashed.

“We should head back,” Miss Adeline said. “Actually, you should. I’m staying here.”

“Pick out a room.” Vivian gestured down the hall.

“I already have.” Miss Adeline hooked an arm through mine.

“You have the food, right? We’ll be back at six to walk them.” Is this what mothers leaving their child in someone else’s care for the first time felt like?

“We can handle it. But come by whenever you like.” Vivian quirked her mouth to the side. “On second thought. Maybe a five-minute heads-up. Just so you don’t walk in on something interesting.” She widened her eyes like she had a juicy secret.

My face flamed. “Um, I’ll definitely give you that warning.”

Miss Adeline swatted me. “No fun. Either of you. I’m not calling before I come over.”

“Suit yourself.” Vivian shrugged.

“You’ve got my number?”

“In my phone.” Vivian held up the device. “Written in the kitchen. The bedroom. And Daniel’s study.”

“Let me write it down for the foyer too.” I dug in my pocket for a piece of paper.

Miss Adeline dragged me toward the door. “Thank you. We’ll talk to you later.”

When we were in the lobby, she elbowed me. “Worrywart much?”

“We’ve never done this before,” I said defensively.

“Do you think I’d let this happen if I didn’t fully believe it was the right thing to do?” She marched into the elevator while I remained rooted in place.