Chapter Thirty-Six
“This bed is morecomfortable than yours.”
I rolled on top of Sonya after her declaration, loving the feel of her naked body against mine as she thrashed to get away.
“Get off me, you big oaf.”
“That’s not what you said a few hours ago.” Nope, not even close. She couldn’t get enough of me, same as I couldn’t get enough of her.
“That was my mistake.” She lifted her chin.
“I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and that definitely didn’t qualify as one.”
“If you’re going to lie on top of me, at leastdosomething.”
I brushed her bottom lip with my thumb. “I don’t have time.”
I tumbled out of bed, bringing her with me, letting her go the second her feet were on the floor. She stumbled, shot me a withering look, and went straight into the bathroom, locking me out. I jiggled the doorknob a few times and then grinned, reaching up to feel along the top of the doorframe. As I suspected, there was a hidden pin, and in seconds, I had the lock undone and her stunned expression in view.
I held up the pin, replacing it where I’d found it, and she let out a little growl. “You can’t keep me out.”
“I’m hiding that.”
“Makes no difference. We aren’t moving in here.”
I stepped into the shower, whistling “Got You (Where I Want You)” by The Flys, and turned on the taps. The initial cold blast of water sent a shock rolling through me.
“But can’t we?” Sonya whined, her hands sliding around my stomach from behind. “It’s so much nicer here. This shower.” She sighed into my back, resting her head against me.
The showerwasnice. A walk-in built with some sort of expensive stone. A rainhead in the center. A detachable nozzle hanging on the wall. Even a bench to do whatever my imagination could conjure up to Sonya.
I spun her around, dunking her under the cold water. She yelped and pounded my back, but I didn’t budge until I felt the water warm.
“The problem with this shower is that there’s too much room,” I mused. “In ours, you’re always in my personal space.” I pushed her to the bench. “In this one, you’re already shivering without me to keep you warm.”
Her hand flew to her heart. “Wonders never cease.” Sonya fluttered her lashes at me. “Drew Carter, concerned about my well-being.”
“What?” I snorted. “Not yours, sugar. Mine.”
“Move out of the way.” She shoved me playfully out from under the spray, the water cascading down her body in a tantalizing way. “So how long is your sentence at Paths of Purpose?” Her eyes closed as she ran her hands over her hair.
Her eyelids popped open. “What are you going to do?”
“Today? I’m going to start working on making ‘peace’ with my family.”
“Would you like to practice your apology?”
“You don’t think a genuine heart-to-heart is in my repertoire?” I asked as if offended.
“No.” She lathered shampoo in her hair. “What did they do to you? How they treat you isn’t that bad, especially given what you did to them. What made you so angry you’d try to fuck them all over?”
“I’m not sure anymore,” I confessed. Now that it all was done, the only thing I’d accomplished was screwing myself. It hadn’t been enough to steal that money. I’d been desperate to prove them wrong about the pipeline too. They weren’t, and my quest to demolish my father’s business had done far more damage to me than it had to him. “Mulaney. She started it all.”