I wheeled around. “I don’t want to. See the difference?”

“Not really.” He stretched out on the mattress and put his hands behind his head.

“How could you do this to me?” I asked Stone. He was family. He should’ve been on my side.

“We did it for you,” Muriella said. “We’ll let you two get settled in.” She backed out of the room and shut us inside before I could protest.

“For the life of me, I can’t believe you of all people would want to live with me after what you found in your truck,” I said, abandoning my suitcase and kicking off my boots.

“I’ve been thinking about that,” he said, rolling on his side. “After I had a minute to cool off, some things clicked into place.”

I opened my duffel bag and rooted around for my sweatpants. “Should have been pretty clear before that.”

“Those aren’t your pregnancy tests.” I dropped my elastic ponytail holder from my fingers at his conclusion. “Is Leona all right?” His concerned tone deflated me.

“I hope so.” I kicked the ottoman away from the oversized chair so I could sink into it. “She’s too young to be dealing with shit like that.”

Easton sat up. “Why did you let me think they were yours?”

I propped my feet up on the ottoman and crossed my ankles. “She’s my niece and those tests were private. I didn’t have to tell you she’d thought she was pregnant. Surely you understand that. She’s a good girl. I’m not letting something like that ruin her life.”

“Children aren’t a curse.”

“I never said they were, but she’s got plans.” I leaned my head against the back of the chair. “She trusted the wrong person. She shouldn’t be punished for that.”

“Where is Leona? I thought she was coming to New York until New Year’s.”

“She said this morning she wanted to hang around Burdett.” I shrugged, though I was proud. I didn’t know if she planned on seeing that Green boy or not, but either way, she wasn’t running from her problems. A lesson I could learn.

His phone buzzed, and he checked it.

“What’s wrong?” I asked when lines creased his forehead.

“Drew said he needs to talk. He’s helping me look into some things.” His fingers hovered over the screen. “Do you think Stone and Muriella would mind if he comes here?”

“You’d have to ask them, but I don’t think so.”

An hour later,the three of us were settled in Muriella’s study, me behind the desk and Easton and Drew in the two chairs in front of it.

Drew glanced over at me and then back to Easton. “Some of this is personal.”

“I trust Mulaney,” Easton said.

Drew quickly smoothed the annoyed expression from his face. “More money is gone from Mom and Dad’s account.”

I straightened. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“One of their personal accounts has been drawn down significantly over the last several months,” Easton said.

“Is it the medical bills?” I stood, unable to sit any longer. Were the Carters in trouble financially? I would’ve helped them. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“There really hasn’t been an opportunity,” he returned patiently. “And we’re not sure why they’ve taken out the money.”

“So you think this sale happened because of that,” I concluded.

“It’s possible, but we’re not certain.”

“They’re down to three grand,” Drew said, a bit panicked.