Automatically, my arms banded around her. “M—”

She ignored my protest, and reality set in. She was trying to prove this would all go to hell. This was my chance to show her otherwise.

I pulled her against me. Her body molded into mine, a perfect fit. I angled my head, deepened the kiss.

She hummed as I slid my hand up her spine and into her hair. Silk. Pure silk. My dick pressed against my jeans, begging for the chance to prove we were meant to be.

I tried to ignore him, concentrated on her mouth against mine. Damn if it wasn’t natural. I nipped at her lower lip, feathered kisses up her jaw to her neck. She rolled her head to the side, no hesitation, just trust.

Her fingers dug into my neck. I slipped a leg between hers. Her body moved against mine as I gently sucked on her neck. She tasted so good I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to stop.


That breathy little moan was so much better than my fantasies. I kissed my way back to her mouth. She licked at my lips, and this time, I was the one who groaned.

I was fast losing my grip on my control. I peeled my mouth from hers. When she craned her neck to follow, like she didn’t want to stop, it was all the encouragement I needed. I’d take this as slow as she wanted, but I wouldn’t quit until we were together.

Our breathing was labored. I dropped my forehead to hers and held her like I’d never let go. Her heart pounded against me, but she was relaxed in my arms. Not a trace of tension.

I pressed my lips to the top of her head.

“That’s exactly what I’m asking for.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


I couldn’t catchmy breath. A swirl of emotions I’d never experienced rushed through me, desire the most potent of all.

Reality clicked back in place a piece at a time.

His hair tickled my fingertips. Strong arms had me in their grasp. Our heads were locked together.

And I…

“I’m okay,” I whispered in wonder.

I tilted my head back. A slow grin spread across my face. “I’m okay.”

“So damn brave.” The reverence in his voice touched me to my soul.

“You know I was trying to prove I wouldn’t react well.”

“But you were willing to take the risk.” He brushed his thumb across my lips. “What does this mean now?”

“I’m not sure.” A little bit of panic crowded out my elation.

“Think you’d be open to more possibilities?”

I inhaled deeply. Was I? Part of me wanted to say no. I’d checked another thing off the list: been there, done that, and never have to do it again.

He searched my face. Fear crept in. One kiss was different than more of everything. What if this was a fluke? What if next time was the trigger?

“I—” Was he worth the chance? WasI?

How much longer would I lethimhave control of my life? In Stone’s arms, the rightness of being there, it became clear the past had ruled me. I was the only one with the power to end that.

I swallowed hard. “I’m open.”