I darted my eyes down an alleyway as I passed.He believes you’re dead.But what about the men Daniel knew? They’d had the audacity to enter our home, so it would be nothing for them to approach me on the street.

Only a few more yards.

I propped on the trunk of a tree outside of the shelter and inhaled five seconds before releasing for five. These waves of being okay and then not were beginning to take a toll.

It didn’t help matters that Stone had been preoccupied this morning before he left for the set. Somewhere over the course of the last week, I’d begun to take on his troubles as my own. Compounded with all these feelings I’d kept buried for years, I was spiraling.

He was the only person besides Vivian or Daniel to ever spend the night in my apartment. I’d expected it to be weird, and I did have trouble going to sleep knowing he was in the next room, but this morning, I’d found myself a little excited when I heard him rummaging around in the kitchen. All the cabinets were open; the lid to the coffee pot was up. A trail of grounds connected the canister and the appliance. Stone had been squinting at the coffee pot, and his relief had been apparent when I appeared.

Also, I hadn’t missed the way he took in my silk pajamas, but it didn’t make me uncomfortable. Piece by piece, he chiseled away at my fears. When I let myself go, our time together was natural. Easy. He gave me hope, and that was dangerous.

I knew what I was capable of and what I wasn’t. At least, I thought I did. But with every minute we spent in one another’s company, it felt like I could do more. Have more. Be more.

Mrs. Quinn was surroundedby children in the dining room when I stepped inside Paths. Many years ago, before this building existed, when there were only twenty women, I’d discovered the shelter through Father Jude at the church.

I’d connected with the women from the start, understood them in ways they’d never know. Some of them were brave enough to share their stories. I only wanted to forget mine. Volunteering here was my way of working through the past. It helped to know I wasn’t alone in my struggles.

“Muriella. Your fans are waiting for their story.” Mrs. Quinn beamed at me.

I held up a book, and the kids cheered and raced toward the playroom.

“I was surprised to get your text that you’d be here. Everything go okay with the wedding?”

This woman was one of the most selfless people I’d ever met. She’d dedicated her life to women and children in need. Everything the shelter had become was due to her guidance and vision, though she’d be the first to admit her dream was that someday there’d be no need for one.

“It was perfect.” A longing for my family filled me. “Stone had to come back early. There was a mixup with his filming schedule.”

“I didn’t realize the two of you were together.” She clasped her hands in front of her. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you, but I thought you were just friends.”

“We are,” I said quickly.

“He’s a good man. Hasn’t let fame go to his head, has he?”

How did Mrs. Quinn know that? “No.”

“He sends me a check every month, along with the same note.”

I stared at her. “He does?”

“I imagine he wouldn’t be too happy I’m spilling his secret. He insists I keep his name off the list of donors.”

That sounded like Stone. He did it without wanting credit. “What’s the note say?”

“‘If it’s not enough, call me.’”

I tilted my head. “He should know you better than that. You’d never ask for more.”

Mrs. Quinn’s ability to fundraise was uncanny. She knew the perfect balance of soliciting without pushing her donors past their limits.

“I did in the middle of the building project when we outgrew our initial plans. Anything is possible with money.” A wry smile turned up her lips.

“Most anything,” I agreed. Unfortunately, it couldn’t fix me.

She touched my shoulder. “I didn’t mean—”

“It helps,” I said, waving my hand in the air. “This is an important part to healing.” She didn’t know about my past, but I imagined she had her suspicions. She’d been around too many women in my shoes not to recognize the signs.

“Well anyway,” she continued, “I called Stone. He asked how much I needed. Two days later, I had the funds.” Awe was in her voice. “It would have taken me months to raise that kind of money.”