“We’ve known him since we were kids. His grandmother lives in Burdett, is good friends with mine. Mulaney is a VP for his family’s oil company.”

She made a satisfied grunt and held up two dishes. “Creamed corn? Butter beans?”

“We might as well be at the ranch. This menu is straight out of the Jacobs ladies’ kitchen.”

Her answering smile was secretive. She rummaged through a drawer and produced an envelope. She held it up but didn’t let me have it. I recognized the handwriting immediately.

“You wanted to know what Miss Ruby writes to me about? More often than not the letters contain recipes for her grandson’s favorite foods.”

“Why is she sending you what Mitch likes? He’s already got a wife.” She threw a dishtowel at me. “Hedoes.” I caught it and set it on the counter as I stood, the barstool scraping against the stone floor.

“Speaking of Mitch, when are you going to tell them about the trip?”

I planted my hands on the cool granite. “I talked it over with Grandmama and she thinks we should make it a surprise. Mulaney wants to split the bill with me.”

“That’s kind of her.” Muriella put several baking dishes in the oven with a clang. “And I like the idea of a surprise.” She paused, considering. “But you can’t wait too long or they might have other plans.” Her eyes lit. “What if you give it to them as a Christmas gift?”

I pointed my finger at her. “That’s a hell of an idea. I’ll text my sister to keep her mouth shut until then.” Her enthusiasm had lifted my spirits about skipping out on my family again. “I need a shower. Feels like I haven’t had one in a day or two.”

“Sure. It shouldn’t take me too long to get this ready.” Back home in her element, she’d already settled in and didn’t seem to mind me here, something else I could be grateful for.

“Which room am I bunking in?”

She knocked the handsoap dispenser into the sink. “Take your pick,” she croaked.

I saluted and took off my hat, laying it on the island.

Maybe she wasn’t as comfortable with me here as she made out to be. I admired her for trying. This was progress, a push in the right direction. And I wasn’t leaving until she told me to go.

I droppedoff her stuff in her room before picking one for myself. Drawn to the one closest to hers, I flipped on the lights.

This was so much better than a hotel, even though the ones they put me up in were outrageously nice. I’d been living out of one for the better part of two years. That took a toll on a guy who was a homebody.

I’d pushed hard, shooting film after film for my family. But I’d also done it because of Muriella. My control had reached the point where it was sustainable, so staying busy and away from her became a survival tactic. I could have any woman in the world except the one I wanted. My Mama had told me from the time I could understand, and probably before, that when I found the one, I’d know it. I’d seen it happen to my brother, heard the stories of my parents and grandparents, but it had never hit home until that Fourth of July.

I shed my clothes and stepped into the shower. What was I gonna do if she ever did give us a chance? I couldn’t take her away from New York. This was her home. She’d never leave Vivian and Daniel. I’d never ask her to.

I groaned as warm water hit my face.

There might not even be a ranch to go back to. My stomach soured at the thought. That land was in my blood. Generations of our family had sacrificed to make it what it was. If we lost it, who would I be?

I pulledon a Jacobs Ranch T-shirt and a pair of flannel pajama pants. No way could I sit around on the sidelines and do nothing when my family’s livelihood was at stake.

I stabbed at the numbers on my phone. Paced as it rang six times. Had almost given up when I finally got an answer.

“Randall. Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Who is this?”

“You know damn well who it is.” We’d gone to school together. Won a state championship in football. And all that time he’d lived and breathed this vendetta that had gone on long enough.

“How kind of you to call and wish me a Happy Thanksgiving, Stone.” The fake politeness made my skin crawl.

“Cut the bull.”

“Heard the state’s about to get your land. Have y’all decided where you’re gonna go?”

I knew the bastard was trying to rile me up. I let him do it anyway.