“What can I do?” he asked, desperation in his voice.

“You don’t trust me. I don’t know how we repair that.” I released him and took a step back. “We should go.”

He nodded once and gestured for me to lead the way. He’d apologized. He meant it. But I couldn’t just flick a switch and forget it. And that was on me.

Chapter Fifteen


“This everything?”

I hefted Muriella’s suitcase off the bed and glanced around. The wedding ceremony by the lake had been something else. Our friends were married, we’d taken pictures and enjoyed breakfast together, and now it was time to give them their privacy.

She poked her head into the bathroom and the closet. “Think so.”

I wheeled her luggage down the hall. Vivian rushed forward as soon as we were in the great room. The lake shimmered in the sunlight just beyond the wall of windows. No wonder they loved it here so much.

“You’ll be back for Thanksgiving, won’t you?” She clutched both of Muriella’s hands in her own.

“I thought we were headed back to the States.” Muriella glanced at me.

“We’ve got a stop to make first.” I shoved my hands in my pockets and rocked back on my heels.

She narrowed her gaze. “What kind of stop?”

“The lunch kind of stop?” I avoided the D word like a hornet’s nest.

“Did you know about this?” She turned her attention to Vivian, who lifted and lowered a shoulder.

“Maybe…” she said guiltily.

“Then I guess you should ask Stone if we can make it back for Thanksgiving.” Chippy. My girl was chippy this morning.

“I’d planned on it,” I said, “but if you’ve got somewhere else to be…”

Her jaw worked. “We’ll be here.” She softened, pulling Vivian in for a hug. “We’ll see you tomorrow, Mrs. Elliott.”

Vivian beamed. “Has a certain ring to it, doesn’t it?”

Daniel cautiously approached. Muriella released Vivian and pivoted toward him. She touched his cheek, silently communicating, but what exactly, I didn’t know. Her eyes glistened. “Took you long enough.”

“Eventually I learn,” he said with a stiff smile.

She dropped her hand and rolled onto her tip-toes, stretching to kiss his cheek. “I love you.” She turned back to Vivian and kissed her cheek. “Love you too.”

“Muriella,” Daniel said when we’d almost reached the door. Her posture went rigid before she looked at him over her shoulder. “You don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with. This business about the deal between you two has run its course.”

I balled my fist at my side and strongly fought the urge to throttle Daniel. Did he honestly think I would ever force her to do this against her will?

I shot him awhat the helllook, which he met without an ounce of remorse. Reminded me a lot of one he’d given me all those years ago on our trip to Mammoth when he’d issued his first warning about Muriella.

“That’s between Stone and me,” Muriella informed him, lifting her chin.

So maybe she had this. He winked—winked—at me as she strode out the front door. I shot him the bird and flashed a grin at Vivian. She gave me a thumb’s up. That bastard knew Muriella was so pissed at him, she’d do the opposite of what he said just to defy him.

I needed all the help I could get, but I didn’t want her to date me just to spite Daniel.

I crankedthe Land Rover and headed down the wooded drive. When we pulled out onto the road, I glanced over at her. Damn, she was beautiful. I never got used to it. Every time I laid eyes on her, she stole my breath.