“He was going to a veterinarian conference,” she huffed.

I shrugged. “Did you know him and Juliana want to take the girls to Paris?”

“No. When are they going?”

“From what I understand, they can’t get it worked out.” I was still disappointed in myself that I’d had to learn about this from Muriella. I loved she was close with my family, but I should’ve known what was going on with them.

Mulaney angled toward me. “Is it money?”

“No. Time. Not enough hands around the ranch.”

She nodded. “They should make time.”

“Muriella’s helping me plan. I want to surprise them with the trip.” I rubbed the glass between my hands.

“You’re still stuck on her?” She wrinkled her nose. “If it’s not right, you can’t force it to happen.”

“If she’s the right person, no amount of time is too long to wait.” Easton said as he drained the rest of his drink, his eyes finally settling on my sister.

“Don’t be a fool. Besides, by now, she should realize she ain’t gonna do any better.”

I clutched my heart. “Was that a compliment?”

“Take it how you want.” She waved her hand in the air. “Tell me what I can do about this trip. Do I need to hire a vet for a few weeks while they’re gone?”

“Mitch would have a fit if someone else took care of his animals.”

“They’re all of ours,” Mulaney corrected.

My grip tightened on my glass. “But there’s some we don’t know.”

We were quiet a moment, both lost in our regret for wasted time.

“What if we send some of our boys who aren’t working out in the oil fields right now? Would that help?” Easton spread his legs and leaned forward on his knees.

“They could use all the hands they can get,” I said. “But Grandmama says they can’t go until school gets out for the summer.”

“I’m sure I can find some help whenever you need,” he volunteered.

“Appreciate it, man. Mitch and Juliana will too.”

Easton lifted a shoulder and lowered it. “We’re family, right?”

Mulaney choked on her drink, and I patted her back. She glared at Easton, but his stare back at her was steady.

“Hard to believe how long we’ve all been running around together.” I set my foot back on the ground. “We should do this more often.”

“If you ever came to Houston—”

“You’re right,” Easton interrupted my sister. “A lot of things are in perspective now. I’ve neglected people important to me long enough.”

“Me too,” I agreed, “but I’m working on it.”

Mulaney set her glass down on a magazine. “We need to get going.”

“For somebody who hates this city, you sure sound disappointed to leave.” I nudged her leg, trying make light, when I wished they didn’t have to go.

She stood and smoothed down her dress. “See you Thanksgiving?”